It was the first time that Wayne and his Dad rode their bikes through the neighborhood. Wayne was excited as they rode down one street and then another. They turned left, then turned right and finally arrived at home. Taking off his helmet Wayne looked up at a smiling father and said, “Thanks, Dad, if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have known where to turn and I’d be lost by now.”
The Psalmist expressed the same idea and trust when he said to the Lord, “Whom have I but you?”
But not all of us have that much faith in the Lord. John reports a story about Jesus and His disciples. They were having some problems about His teachings and Jesus said, “This is very hard to understand.” As a result, we read that “many of His disciples turned away and deserted Him.”
Have you ever wondered why those disciples turned away from Jesus? The Bible does not give any specific reason. No doubt they left Him then for the same reason people leave Him today: an unwillingness to make sacrifices for Him.
Many turn to the Lord for what they think He will do for them - not what they can do for Him and with Him and through Him. Many of us have expectations that go in one direction only: that God will take care of us and we have no obligation to Him.
But this is not how God works. If we follow Him wherever He leads, “All these things will be added to us.”
Prayer: Teach us, Lord, that You call us to Yourself that we may love You, honor You and bring glory to Your name. May You always be first and foremost in our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: John 6:64-67 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
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