Prayers of Hope Page


This page is devoted to collecting the prayers published in the "Seeds Of Hope" devotional booklet. These simple prayers are an expression of me communicating with my Heavenly Father as a "true friend." I offer them to you as one of His "true friends," and ask that you join me as we make our requests - whatever is in our minds, hearts, and souls - known to Him --Larry Guido

Prayer For May 2022

Heavenly Father,

We are so grateful for Your Word that gives us guidance over our lives that we need so desperately. We are constantly faced with decisions that are overwhelming and seemingly beyond our understanding and wisdom. And we know that a wrong choice may bring dishonor to Your Name and cause disaster in our lives. So, we turn to You for direction as we lift our hearts in prayer.

We remember the words of Your Son when He said, “Those who recognize their need for My Father will receive His blessings and will inherit His Kingdom.” Even though it seems so simple, we often live in such a way that we do not stop and ask what that means before we do this or that – or whatever we are facing in life at the time – we go on without consulting You in prayer or seeking the right path from Your Word and then suffer the consequences that could have been avoided. When that happens, we cannot expect Your favor. May we learn to ask for Your guidance and seek Your direction from Your Word before we do anything at any time. We need to pause and pray and seek Your will.

Help us to keep Your Word in our heart so that we will not sin against Your Word and show that we are depending on You to protect us and empower us to live Godly lives. So, we ask for two things: Help us invest time in prayer and in knowing Your Word and applying it to our lives. And, secondly, that before we make a decision, we will talk with You and ask for Your strength and power to do what is pleasing in Your sight.

In Jesus’ Name, and for His sake, AMEN.

Prayer For April 2022

Heavenly Father,

It is, at times, unbelievable to understand Your generous expressions of mercy to me each day. Often, I am not even aware that You are present and lavishly extending Your gifts of gentleness and kindness and compassion. Thank You for Your love that has no limits.

Thank You, for my salvation! I often say that I do not understand why – when I am so undeserving - that You would send Your Son to die on the cross for my sins. I say, that “I am unworthy!” Yet, as I say those words, I am not certain about my sincerity. It is as though “Jesus did it, I got it, and that’s it!” But if I am truly grateful and understand all that it implies and all that is included, I’d be anxious and committed to tell everyone I know about what You’ve done for me and can do for them. So, I ask You for some additional mercy and forgiveness and ask that Your Holy Spirit will trouble my heart to do more witnessing to others.

As I reflect on Your daily blessings in my life that prove how gentle and kind and compassionate You are with me, I must admit, reluctantly, that I sometimes go through an entire day without extending to others these precious gifts You have extended to me. I am too self-centered to see that those around me need what You have freely given to me. I again must pause and ask for forgiveness and ask myself, “Will you ever learn to do as Jesus did?” I know I can if I choose to!

Your Son clearly and specifically said, “God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy!” Based on what I have done in the past, Father, I deserve none of Your mercy, yet You continue to cover me with mercy day after day.

So, once again I come before You asking to be forgiven and granted Your mercy. And please help me to understand and constantly be aware of the mercy You have bestowed upon me and encourage me to do the same to others by witnessing Your mercies to them.

In Jesus’ Name, AMEN! 

Prayer For March 2022

Heavenly Father,

As I think of Your Son, my Savior, who is now my Lord, I want to live as He lived and do those things that He did to honor and glorify and praise Your name. I want to talk as He talked and do as He did and work as He worked. And I know, Father, that most of what He did to let us know who You are is not possible for me to do. But that does not excuse me from doing what I can do.

As I meditate on this way of living, I am reminded of Jesus’ words: “Those who are ‘meek’ will inherit the earth.” Yet, I look around and see leaders who seem to have “inherited Your earth” that are powerful and greedy but do not show concern for those who are suffering and hungry and being treated unjustly. Then I am reminded of leaders in Your Word like David and Moses and Samuel who demonstrated lives of gentleness and kindness and humility and courtesy because You were at the center of their lives as they worshipped You constantly.

So, I ask that my life will reflect the life of Your Son, Jesus. That l will be so kind and gentle that children will not be afraid to be in my presence but will seek me as a friend to be trusted for guidance; that if I see someone who is hungry, I will share my food with them; that if I hear of someone that needs clothing, I will open my closet to them; that if I know of someone who is thirsty, I will offer them water; that if I know of someone being treated unjustly, I will offer assistance to them.

Though this will be different and difficult, Father, for Your sake and the reputation of what being Christian is all about, help my life to be as majestic as Your Son’s in being “meek.”

In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

Prayer For February 2022

Heavenly Father,

I thank You for your Word that contains the answers to life’s problems that confront and surround us every day. It seems that not a moment goes by that, in one way or another, we face obstacles that seem overwhelming and problems that are insurmountable. Perhaps, Lord, it appears this way to me because I am looking at these conflicts and issues through my eyes and not Your Word or the promises it contains to get me through the difficult times in life.
I recall that Your Son said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” And I believe this to be as true as any other words in Your Word. I also am reminded of His promise that states: “Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied.” I do hunger and thirst for this righteousness, Father, but do not have the assurance that the longing in my heart has been filled. So, I plead with You to grant me that assurance of satisfaction that, I believe, would give me confidence to face the uncertainties of life.

No doubt, Lord, the feeling of dissatisfaction and unrest in my heart springs from the lack of righteous living. Perhaps I have sought to define righteousness in my own way that is self-serving and not God-honoring. So, I look to You for forgiveness and cleansing through Your Son and ask once again for Your forgiveness.

I pray that Your Spirit will give me no rest or peace unless and until I strive to live like Your Son and live a righteous life. I truly want to pursue righteousness by doing what Paul said, “Aim for righteousness.”

So, Father, I plead that You will grant my request to give me a never-ending feeling of hunger that will be filled with the bread of life and an unending thirst that can only be satisfied by the living water that comes from Christ. Then, I believe, that I will be able to life a righteous life.

In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

Prayer for January 2022

Heavenly Father,

I am at the beginning of a new year with unprecedented uncertainties in a world turned upside down by leaders who reject to follow Your teachings and truths. Yet, I am confident in our knowledge and understanding of Your unending love and never-ending faithfulness, Your strength and power, Your plan and Your purposes for Your Kingdom.

Although I do not know what may be before me, I do know without any doubt that You are in me, with me, by me and for me. And I can be certain of this fact because of the countless promises in Your Word that repeatedly remind me of Your loyalty to those who love You and are obedient to Your eternal truths and teachings. Thank You, Father, for this assurance!

On the other hand, Father, I admit that I am only human – reminded of my past failures and nagging fears, my pursuit of self-interests and worldly ambitions, my endless attraction to things that vanish when Your light appears in my life. Too often my mind and heart are overflowing with goals that would defeat and destroy me if it were not for Your personal attention to me as an individual needing Your grace and goodness and guidance.

So, in this moment of reflection, I ask Your Holy Spirit to penetrate my thoughts and disrupt my peace until I recognize and accept my need to give my life to You, seeking only to love You, please You, honor You and obey You for only then can I be assured that all will be well knowing that You will protect and take care of me – no matter what!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer for December 2021

Heavenly Father,

as we begin our journey through this special month, we pause and acknowledge how incapable we are and how impossible it is for us to adequately express our gratitude and indebtedness to You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus. When we realize the scope of Your never-ending love, our complete unworthiness and Your obvious desire to reach, accept, forgive and save us, we are filled with awe and wonder. So, Dear Lord, help us to set aside the glamour of this world and focus on the glory of Your mercy and grace and the hope we have in You alone.
We pray, Father, that You will trouble our minds until we open our hearts to behold the wonder of the birth of Your Son. We ask, Lord, that You will enable us to look beyond the crib, see the death of Your Son on the cross and marvel at His victory over sin and our separation from You. We plead, Holy Spirit, that You will break through the hardness of our hearts and make us sensitive to our obligation to worship and serve You.

We ask, Lord, that this year we will overcome the temptation to celebrate that which is temporal with that which is eternal. May we recognize and accept our responsibility to love You with all of our minds and hearts and being, to honor You as our Lord, to serve You as our Master, to be faithful and obedient to Your Word as You deserve of us and be willing to follow You wherever You lead us.

May we willingly give ourselves to serve You as You willing gave Your Son to save us.

Through Christ our Lord, AMEN.

Prayer For November 2021

Heavenly Father,

Thank You, Father, for loving me, saving me, and giving me eternal life through Jesus Christ, Your Son, my Savior and Lord.

Thank You, Father, for Your Word that is a lamp for my path, a light for my darkest nights, a compass for my journey, a hope when my future is in doubt, a friend for my days of loneliness and gifts that never cease.

Thank You, Father, for Your faithfulness and Your promise to meet my every need, every moment, every day.

Thank You, Father, for Your love and mercy, Your grace and peace, Your compassion and care, Your power and protection, Your strength and sovereignty that surround me, sustain me, and satisfy me completely.

Thank You, Father, for being just and fair, holy and righteous, close and capable of empowering me to resist and reject any temptation that can defeat or destroy me.

Thank You, Father, for Your gifts of healing and hope, redemption and reconciliation, the promise of a future with You, a freedom from fear of death, Your desire to grant me Your wisdom to meet the challenges of life and the insight I need to represent You at all times.

Thank You, Father, for giving me opportunities to serve You and share Your love with others, for lifting me when I fall, correcting me when I fail, encouraging me when I feel alone and finding me when I feel abandoned.

There is no end, Father, to the gifts You have given me - most without my asking. But, I do have one request that is most important: A heart that is truly thankful.

Through Christ my Lord, Amen.

Prayer For October 2021

Heavenly Father:

Please, for Your Son’s sake and our healing as individuals and a nation, come to our rescue!

We are torn apart, as never before, with fear and frustration, anxiety and apprehension, doubt and deception, and have no one to trust but You. We cry for help and healing, understanding and insight, and receive information that we either do not understand or have difficulty believing. We look for relief and in return receive rebuke and rejection for wanting assurance and honesty. In distress and dismay, we cry, “Does no one care; does anyone care?”

Then, in a moment of quiet reflection a still small voice speaks, and we return to our faith-foundation and accept the fact that “Yes, yes there is One who cares and cares deeply. One Who cared so much that He gave His one and only Son to redeem us and reconcile us to You and grant us the assurance that You love us, care for us, protect us, and provide for all we will ever need and that all is well!”

So, we turn our doubts into shouts and thank You for Jesus, the Way and the Truth and the Life who gives us hope and help and healing, peace and assurance. We recall with gratitude the words of Your Son who gives us victory over our doubts and despair when He promised: “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart because I have overcome the world!”

Now, we thank You and trust You and claim afresh Your promise of complete victory over our fear and frustration because Your Son overcame – and we will too – the world that so easily destroys our hope.

In Jesus’s Name, Amen

Prayer For September 2021

Heavenly Father:
As we approach You, give us hearts that are pure and minds that are focused on Your grace, goodness, and generosity. With profound gratitude, we thank You for Your love, compassion and involvement in our lives. As this day unfolds before us, may we be alert to what You are doing in us, for us, and can do through us.

“In us,” Father, because we know that You are fulfilling the plan that You have designed especially for each of us. May we be alert to the “nudgings” of Your Holy Spirit at work. We do believe that you want what is best for each of us as You mold us and shape us into the likeness of Your Son. When we become resistant and obstinate and self-centered rather than Christ-centered, speak loudly to us and awaken our slumbering minds to what You are doing and want us to do on Your behalf through Your transforming power

“For us,” Father, because we know that you are meeting every need that we have. We know from past experiences that You have been faithful and generous, kind and thoughtful, patient and present when we have faced troubles and trials. We ask that your Holy Spirit awaken our slumbering minds to know what You are doing – RIGHT NOW – to bless us and share Your gifts with us. Help us to be more aware of what You are doing and when You are doing it so we can express our gratitude for Your greatness!

And “through us” so our eyes will see, and our ears will hear so many cries for help and hope and healing today, Father. When our hearts are hard and our minds closed by self-centeredness, awaken us to see what You see, and then do as Your Son would by showing our love, encouraging and sharing the blessings You have given us with others, and thereby witnessing what You mean to us.

So, help us to accept Your presence and power in our lives today, and be all that You want us to be. 

In Jesus; Name, AMEN!


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for giving us this day – a new day that will give us many opportunities to show others Your love and mercy and grace!

We are so grateful for Your peace and presence in our lives and pause in humility to praise Your Name and humble ourselves before You. We stand in awe as we recognize love for us and blessings on and in our lives, realizing we are nothing and would have nothing without You. So, we pray that Your Spirit will guide us and grant us hearts that are open and willing to all that we have because of Your goodness in and through Your Son.

We pray, Father, that we will be faithful witnesses to You in all that we do or say today. May we be aware that, as Your representatives, we will serve You well and be examples of what You can do in and through others who know You. May we be alert and attentive to the needs of others – even as Your Son, our Savior was as He ministered to the needs of those around Him. We ask that You will plant a spirit of compassion and care in our hearts that is as gentle and gracious and giving as His, and that others – at all times and in all places – will see Him in our lives.

We want to serve You Father and know that unless we depend on You, we will fail. So, may we do what we do in You and for You and through You at all times and in all places. 

And, when this day ends, may we hear Your voice ring in our ears and hearts with Your words saying, “You have served me well this day. Rest in my love.”

In Jesus Name, and for Your sake, AMEN!


Heavenly Father,

We thank You and bless You for this, another day, to honor You and serve others on Your behalf. So we begin our prayer by asking You, and seeking Your favor, for a renewed sense of Your presence and peace in our lives. With all of the questions and concerns within us and all of the anxiety and uncertainty around us, we pray that our lives will be a witness to others of our walk with You and the joy of Your salvation that possesses us.

We ask that what we say and how we say it, what we do and how we do it, what we think and the thoughts that control us, where we go and what we do when we get there will reflect our love for and dependence on You. It is easier than we would like to believe, that we – more than anything – want to live life on our terms rather than by following Your teachings and doing things that are self-centered rather than God-centered. So, may Your Spirit trouble our minds and convict us deep within our hearts of our faults and failures that separate us from You. We want to be who You want us to be and called us to be, yet - because we depend on ourselves rather than Your Spirit – leave a glaring gap of our shortcomings.

However, Father, may we, in this moment of quietness in Your presence, return to the joy of Your salvation and experience once again a time of repentance and renewal, a time of closeness and confidence, a time of deep desire and dependence and dedication to You. May we be centered on You and conscious of You in our lives, and commit ourselves and all that we are and have to You and live lives that are pleasing to You so that one day we may hear Your Son say to us, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

In His Name we pray! AMEN


Heavenly Father:

We are continually amazed by Your love and care, interest and involvement for the smallest details of our lives. We have so very much to be thankful for that, at times, it may be difficult to know where or how to begin our prayers. Yet, we must never, ever, neglect to express our gratitude to You for Your Son, our Savior’s death so that we might have eternal life. So, we begin this prayer by simply and sincerely, humbly and honestly saying, “Thank You for Your Gift” that provides our deliverance from sin and death through Your Son, Jesus!

And we must never forget that when we accept this Gift, we, in turn, become obligated to share what He has done for us with others. Too often, for whatever reason, we become so comfortable with what You have done, are doing, and will continue to do for us that we become self-centered and self-satisfied and do nothing for those who are still suffering – seeking life and hope and a future that we know comes only from You.

So, please – we ask – break through our complacency and awaken us to our obligation to serve You with an intensity to share Your message. Father, You desire that all men and women know and love You and Your Son and live lives to honor and please You. May we willingly do Your work in Your world so “that all may know” Your Son and enjoy life everlasting with You. 

Through Jesus’ Name, AMEN!


Heavenly Father:

As we enter this month that has been set aside to remind us of love, we would ask that we look at love through Your eyes and not our eyes that have been dimmed by this world. We are well aware of our self-centeredness and how easy it is to want what we want, not what we need. And when we do not get what we want, we say “It’s because God does not love me!” But, in our hearts, we know that is not true. For we know that You do love us and want what is best for us as You work with us to become who You have planned for us to become through Christ, our Lord.

So, we ask that You open our eyes and our minds and our hearts to what Your love is all about by first surrendering ourselves completely to You and then willingly and faithfully become obedient only unto You. For then You will know that we do love You first and foremost. When we put You at the center of our lives, You will know that we do love You, and as result, we will live a life that wants to worship You and exalt You and honor You in all that we do and say.  And, when this happens, those around us will see Your love by the way we witness to and serve those for whom Your Son, our Savior, died.

Fill us with Your Spirit so that we may not grow weary in doing Your work as a result of our love for You. We know that eventually - and in Your timing – we will receive great rewards. So, may we not grow weary in showing Your love – not this month only – but every moment of every day until Your Son returns.

In Jesus’ Name and for Your glory, Amen.


 Heavenly Father: 

We begin this New Year filled with certainty that You love us, and confidence that You will care for us! Certainty – to know from our past that You are merciful and grace-giving, faithful and trustworthy, present and powerful, willing and able to guide us, guard us, and give us whatever we need as long as we seek Your will and Your way and follow Your Word. Confident – to know that You will never leave us or forsake us, that You will be with us to lead us when our path is uncertain and our strength insufficient, and rescue us when doubts fill our minds and fear challenges our faith. 

How blest we are to know that what may threaten us cannot defeat us; that what would disturb us cannot destroy us; and what will tempt us cannot overcome us if we accept Your invitation to rely on Your strength. May we look to You first and foremost each morning by reading Your Word and speaking with You in prayer, asking for Your Spirit to lead us in paths of righteousness for Your Name’s sake. May we actually accept and believe the truth that all things are possible if we trust in You and want to please You and bring glory and honor to Your Name. 

May we willingly accept our weaknesses and limitations, and through Your power choose to overcome them. Give us courage to recognize our inadequacies and insufficiencies, our sinful desires and self-centeredness before they overcome us by depending on You completely. May we, by looking through the eyes of Your Son, see a world that needs Your love and salvation, care and compassion, and do what we can do with the gifts You have given us to help them. 

In Jesus’ Name, and for Your sake, AMEN! 

Prayer for December

Heavenly Father,

as we begin our journey through this special month, we pause and acknowledge how incapable we are and how impossible it is for us to adequately express our gratitude and indebtedness to You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus. When we realize the scope of Your never-ending love, our complete unworthiness and Your obvious desire to reach, accept, forgive and save us, we are filled with awe and wonder. So, Dear Lord, help us to set aside the glamour of this world and focus on the glory of Your mercy and grace and the hope we have in You alone.
We pray, Father, that You will trouble our minds until we open our hearts to behold the wonder of the birth of Your Son. We ask, Lord, that You will enable us to look beyond the crib, see the death of Your Son on the cross and marvel at His victory over sin and our separation from You. We plead, Holy Spirit, that You will break through the hardness of our hearts and make us sensitive to our obligation to worship and serve You.
We ask, Lord, that this year we will overcome the temptation to celebrate that which is temporal with that which is eternal. May we recognize and accept our responsibility to love You with all of our minds and hearts and being, to honor You as our Lord, to serve You as our Master, to be faithful and obedient to Your Word as You deserve of us and be willing to follow You wherever You lead us. 
May we willingly give ourselves to serve You as You willing gave Your Son to save us. 

Through Christ our Lord, AMEN.


Heavenly Father:

We thank You for giving us Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, whom You sent to redeem us and reconcile us and transform us through His power and presence in our lives.
We thank You for Your forgiveness and His cleansing through His work on the cross that assures us of life-everlasting and a place with You in heaven.
We thank You for Your never-ending, always-needed, life-sustaining love that gives us hope and healing, peace and purpose as we do Your work in Your world.
We thank You for Your goodness and grace, Your gifts that meet our every need, and the joy that comes from worshipping You and serving You and praising You and honoring You and blessing You as we bow before You with hearts filled with gratitude.
We thank You that Your love gives us strength that sustains us, the power that keeps us from faltering, and focus that enables us to keep our eyes on You when days are dim and nights are stormy.
We thank You for Your faithfulness and the peace that comes from knowing that You will never leave us nor forsake us and will be with us until Your Son's return, and for the knowledge that we will be with You for eternity.
We thank You for being our Shepherd, and Your willingness to lead us through difficult paths and rocky ridges, providing us with life-giving nourishment and pleasant pastures.
We thank You that we can depend on You at all times in all places for Your wisdom and insight to make the right decisions and follow the right path as we seek to follow Your plan for our lives.
We thank You for Your faithfulness that assures us that we will never walk alone, have no reason to fear the dangers of life because You are with us and deliver us safely into Your presence when our work on earth is completed.

In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Prayer For October, 2020

Heavenly Father: 

 We come before You today, understanding our need for Your grace and goodness. First, we ask for Your loving forgiveness and cleansing. We know, without a doubt, that we could have been – no, Father – should have been more dependent on You for Your strength and support. And, having confessed that, how long will it take us to learn to rely entirely on You for all that we need. We are so tempted, Father, to depend on our understanding and insight, wisdom, and knowledge that we neglect to turn to You and Your eternal Word for guidance and direction. 

 Yet, that’s what we need – today and every day – Your Word filling our minds, flowing to our hearts, and flourishing in our lives. When this happens, Father, we will see Your Kingdom working and growing and thriving in this weary, war-torn, troubled, and tired world. In You, we find all that we need for today, tomorrow, and eternity. Help us to understand, accept, and apply Your way and Your truth in our lives and live victoriously for You and those for whom Your Son lived and died.  

 It’s so easy, Father, to become weary in well-doing that we often give in and then give up without calling on You for help. We neglect to take You at Your Word when You say, “I will never leave You nor forsake You,” or, “Indeed, I am with You until the end of time!” What precious promises from our Lord whose record of faithfulness has stood the test of time. Everything You ever promised has been completed, or, we know from history, that it one day will be.  

 Please, Father, increase our faith and help us to grow our trust in You. Though we have abandoned You time and again, denied honoring You more times than we can recall, neglected to turn to You when we needed You the most, left undone the things we should have done and did things that were wrong and ugly, we ask, again this day for Your forgiveness. May we go forth in Your Name, claiming all that we have in You, with You, and through You to be all that we can be through Christ our Lord, in whose Name we pray. AMEN!  

Prayer For September 2020

Heavenly Father,

We look forward to this day with excitement and anticipation as an opportunity to love You, worship You, and serve You. But, Father, if today goes as yesterday did, we know that there will be times when we will disappoint You, perhaps even embarrass You, deny You, and even disgrace You. So, humbly, we ask Your forgiveness for what we have done that we should not have done, and left undone the things we should have done. Please, for our sake and through Your unending love, mercy, and grace, cleanse us from all unrighteousness – once again. And, as we look forward to this new day, when we face temptation, may we – through Your power – flee from it and turn to You for strength and victory.

We know, Lord, that there will be many opportunities to do good things today. There always are. But all too often we are so wrapped up in our interests and selfish ambitions that we are not aware of what we can do to show others Your love and compassion. So, we need You to make us aware – keenly aware, Father – of those in need of hope, help, and healing. As we see and hear and feel and recognize those around us and among us who have needs that we can meet, give us a willingness to meet them. You have been so good to us, Lord, that we are obligated, in turn, to be good to others. May we do for them what You have done for us – meet their needs in one way or another!

We ask, Father, that this day will be one we will recall with joy and happiness, knowing that we have served our Lord well. May it be one of surrender to Your will and ways, a dependence on Your strength – not ours, a day when our purpose will be to honor You and glorify You and praise You because we have worshiped You with all our minds and hearts and souls.

Through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. AMEN.

Prayer For August 2020

Heavenly Father,

We are grateful for Your love that sustains us and Your faithfulness that gives us courage. How blest we are to know that You are our Shepherd and that You are protecting us from the dangers that could destroy us and the storms of life that could shatter us. In Your arms, we have access to a peace that is beyond our understanding and protection from powers that could overwhelm us.

We thank You for Your mercy and grace, Lord. In them, we find forgiveness for our sins, and the removal of guilt and shame for the wrongs we have committed against You and those around us. We are grateful that You sustained us each day by the strength we receive through Your Spirit, who gives us life and the power to become new creations. Help us to set aside the “old things” that once consumed and controlled us. May we turn from them and grow into the likeness of Your Son, our Savior.

As we walk with You today, we ask that our eyes are open to see many opportunities to serve You. We ask that our ears are open to hear the cries of those who are calling on us for help and hope and healing. And, may the words that come from our lips, and the feelings that come from our heart, bring joy and encouragement to everyone we meet. We can do great things for You today, Lord, if we willingly set aside our self-centeredness as You did so easily.

So, once again, we pray that we will willingly surrender our lives to You completely, unreservedly, and unashamedly, and be who You have called us to become – your disciples.

In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

Prayer for July 2020

Heavenly Father:

I begin this day echoing the words of the Psalmist: “This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” And, though I echo his words, I do ao if I’m not sure what this day will include, or where it may take me, or what might happen – whether good or bad, or the problems I’ll face that may result in grief or perhaps some events that will bring laughter or pleasures that I’ll enjon. At this moment, I do not know what is before me.

But, what I do know is that You are beside me, love me unconditionally, and that’s comforting and reassuring. I know that You have promised that You would never leave me or forsake me. And, because of this promise, “come what may,” I will not be alone or abandoned – even though I might be afraid.

So, Father, I may not be able to express my gratitude as well as others, but I know that You will understand that I love You for loving me and forgiving me. Even though I’ve disappointed You, You’ve never disappointed me and that You’ve always been there for me. And, I thank – really thank You - so much for that!

Now, Lord, knowing that You made this day is reason enough to rejoice – because it is Your day, and we’ll be together walking side by side. And, I will! I’ll also rejoice for the gift of Your Son whom You sent to be my Savior and the hope, help, healing, and happiness I have because of my Salvation.

Thank You, Father, In Your Son’s Name, Amen. 

Prayer For June 2020:

Heavenly Father,

I thank You for Your love! And, I thank You that Your love for me does not depend on how good I am, or what I do for You, or whether or not I am faithful in witnessing to others about You, or how much time I spend praying or reading my Bible. If it did, Father, I’d be in trouble!
I confess, sadly, that there are too many days when I neglect to read Your Word and hardly think about what it says about You and how I should live. I admit, also, that I spend more time talking to others than I do to You. When I put things in perspective, Lord, if You thought about me as little as I thought about You, or read the Bible and pray, there would be many days when my name would not cross Your mind. I know it must disappoint You when I don’t want to learn about You or talk to You after all You’ve done for me. I’m really embarrassed, to be honest. So, please – and I know You will – forgive me once more, for neglecting You and avoiding You and putting other things before You.

I ask sincerely, Lord, that if I lay down tonight, or any night from now on, that Your Holy Spirit will not allow my eyes to close in sleep until I read Your Word and talk to You in prayer. I need You desperately, Lord, and ask You to do whatever it takes to get my attention to spend time with You.

Father, I need to get to know You as well as You know me, and I can’t do this in my strength. So, believing that when I call on You that You will answer me, I’m calling on You now to help me through Your power to get in touch and stay in touch with You!

In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

Prayer For May 2020: 

Heavenly Father,

As I begin this day, may I do so with a willingness to be open to Your leadership in my life by accepting and following the plan You have designed for me. It is difficult at best, Father, to separate my desires from Your demands, my wants from Your needs, and my ambitions from Your expectations. I know that because I am so easily distracted from the eternal by the temporal and immediate and passing pleasures of the “things” that never satisfy and are of this world. Everywhere I look, and most of what I hear, does not agree with and challenges the teachings and truth of Your Word.

So, please, I ask, give me Your insight and understanding, Your knowledge and wisdom to separate the needs of the Kingdom of God from the things of this world and to allow Your Spirit to direct me in my problem solving and decision making and planning so that Your Name will be glorified. May I begin each morning by looking to You for Your guidance as I begin my journey. 

May I look to You, in quietness and confidence, openness and trust, dependence and certainty - knowing that You are in me, with me and want to do Your work on earth through me. May I accept Your plan for this day – as well as every day – as a gift from You so that I may live a life that is well-pleasing to You and ultimately honors and glorifies You.

May my thoughts be centered on Your teachings and truth, may my life always be a reflection of the examples of Your Son, my Savior, and may my heart be open to hearing the voice and promptings of Your Spirit.

In Jesus’ Name and for His glory I pray, Amen!

I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours. Mark 11:24

Prayer For April:

Heavenly Father,

We live in a world with unprecedented uncertainties, a world turned upside down and inside out by leaders who reject to follow Your teachings and truths. Yet, in spite of the turmoil and tragedies that surround us, we find comfort in our knowledge and understanding of Your unending love and never-ending faithfulness, Your peace and power, Your plan and Your purposes for Your Kingdom and our lives.

Although we do not know what may be before us, we do know without any doubt that You are in us, with us, by us, and for us. And, we can be certain of this fact because of the countless promises in Your Word that repeatedly remind us of Your loyalty to those who love You and are obedient to Your eternal truths and teachings. Thank You, Father, for this assurance!

On the other hand, Father, we admit that we are only human – reminded of our past failures and nagging fears, our pursuit of self-interests and worldly ambitions, our endless attraction to things that vanish when Your light appears to lead us. Too often our minds and hearts are overflowing with goals that would defeat and destroy us if it were not for Your attention to us as individuals who desperately need Your grace and goodness and guidance.

So, in this moment of reflection, we ask Your Holy Spirit to penetrate our thoughts and disrupt our peace until we recognize and accept our need to surrender our lives to You. May we strive to love You, honor You, please You, and obey Your Word, for only then can we be assured that all will be well - knowing that You will protect us and take care of us – no matter what!

In Jesus’ Name and for His glory we pray, Amen.

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