“You know, Larry,” he began in a soft voice, “I’m troubled by the fact that all of the horrible things I see on TV or hear over the radio when I travel don’t bother me as much as they once did. What’s happening to me?” he asked.
We all wonder, at one time or another, how a group of people can watch a person being beaten or robbed, or fall ill in a crowded mall or on a busy street corner, and no one responds. We see the ravages of war, watch people die on a battlefield, see disabled veterans trying to adjust to life with artificial limbs and seem to accept it as “normal” in today’s culture. It seems as though the pain and suffering of others matter little to anyone except the one enduring the hardships.
The Psalmist who wrote Psalm 94 was troubled by the evil in the world. He looked around and saw people oppressed. He was aware of calloused leaders whose only concern was for themselves. He was troubled by the lack of concern for widows and children and asked, “God, if You created ears for people to hear, and eyes for people to see, why don’t You hear the cries and see the suffering of those whom You created?” Do something, God!
So, has God, like us, become insensitive to the needs of people and the condition of the world? Does He not care about what is happening to His creation? Indeed He does.
Eventually “He will repay them and destroy them for their wickedness” for harming His creation, says the Psalmist. But until He does, we are responsible to bring His hope and healing to the suffering.
Eventually “He will repay them and destroy them for their wickedness” for harming His creation, says the Psalmist. But until He does, we are responsible to bring His hope and healing to the suffering.
Prayer: Please, Lord, open our hearts and eyes to see those who are suffering and reach out to them in love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 94:3 & 23 Lord, how long will the wicked, How long will the wicked triumph? 23 He has brought on them their own iniquity, And shall cut them off in their own wickedness; The Lord our God shall cut them off.