“Promises are like pie crusts,” begins an old proverb. “They are made to be broken.” Not so God’s promises.
Read this amazing statement: “The Maker of heaven and earth, the seas and everything in them, the Lord...remains faithful forever.”
Behind God’s promises are His past performances. He is a God of truth and will not forget or forfeit His Word. Whatever He said He would do, He did. Whatever promise He made, He has kept. If He said it, He meant it, and He will do it!
Behind His promises is His passionate love. He is the very definition of the word, love. Whenever we doubt the fact that God loves us, look at Christ on His cross. Unfortunately, we tend to only look at an empty cross. But, never forget that Jesus, our Savior, at one time hung on that cross for three painful, lonely, humiliating hours. How can we ever doubt God’s love?
Behind every promise is His power. As the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, all of the laws that govern it are under His control. No one or no thing can stand in the way of the fulfillment of the laws that govern His universe - His creation. And if that is not enough, look once again into the empty tomb. He has the power to do whatever He said He will do.
On a very special occasion, Alexander the Great gave one of his loyal supporters a generous gift. Said the recipient, “This is too much for me to receive.” Said the giver, “But it is not too much for me to give.”
Prayer: Forgive us, Father, for those times when we have doubted Your promises, passionate love or power. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: The Maker of heaven and earth, the seas and everything in them, the Lord...remains faithful forever. Psalm 146:6