Life Without God's Wisdom

“Finds life” or “loves death.” From one extreme to another. A contrast that is unmistakable and a choice that is crystal clear. It is one of the great “either/or” in God’s Word. There is a way of life or a path to death. And it is strange that some would not search for a way to live wisely and enjoy the blessings of God.
One translation recognizes the choice as “one who finds me...vs…he who misses me.” There is a reward for searching for and applying God’s wisdom: “life and favor from the Lord.”
Conversely, those who “fail to find God's wisdom - or those who sin against God - harm themselves; all who hate me love death.” Can the extremes be more clearly defined? Described?
Here is a clear picture of a self-centered life - a picture of one who has made a willful, thoughtful choice after careful deliberation. It is a choice that is void of emotions or feelings. But, a choice, nonetheless.
Earlier in the chapter wisdom is described as “a tree of life.” And if one chooses the “other path,” it is a “path to death.” Unfortunately, at the time the decision is made, the one making the decision may not be aware of that choice. Life may be too exciting, or too much fun, or too enjoyable, or death is “so far away” there is nothing to fear.
The choice should matter to us. If we know someone, anyone who is without Christ, we are responsible to God to take His message of love, salvation, hope and eternal life. Otherwise, we contribute to that one’s death without hope of God. Witness and share His grace constantly!
Prayer: Awaken us, Father, to our obligation to speak to those who are on the wrong path and unsaved. May we recognize our responsibility to You as well as others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 8:35-36 For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord. But those who miss me injure themselves. All who hate me love death. 

Life Without God's Wisdom

“Finds life” or “loves death.” From one extreme to another. A contrast that is unmistakable and a choice that is crystal clear. It is one of the great “either/or” in God’s Word. There is a way of life or a path to death. And it is strange that some would not search for a way to live wisely and enjoy the blessings of God.
One translation recognizes the choice as “one who finds me...vs…he who misses me.” There is a reward for searching for and applying God’s wisdom: “life and favor from the Lord.”
Conversely, those who “fail to find God's wisdom - or those who sin against God - harm themselves; all who hate me love death.” Can the extremes be more clearly defined? Described?
Here is a clear picture of a self-centered life - a picture of one who has made a willful, thoughtful choice after careful deliberation. It is a choice that is void of emotions or feelings. But, a choice, nonetheless.
Earlier in the chapter wisdom is described as “a tree of life.” And if one chooses the “other path,” it is a “path to death.” Unfortunately, at the time the decision is made, the one making the decision may not be aware of that choice. Life may be too exciting, or too much fun, or too enjoyable, or death is “so far away” there is nothing to fear.
The choice should matter to us. If we know someone, anyone who is without Christ, we are responsible to God to take His message of love, salvation, hope and eternal life. Otherwise, we contribute to that one’s death without hope of God. Witness and share His grace constantly!
Prayer: Awaken us, Father, to our obligation to speak to those who are on the wrong path and unsaved. May we recognize our responsibility to You as well as others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 8:35-36 For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord. But those who miss me injure themselves. All who hate me love death. 

Watching... Waiting... Wondering

It was an unusually nasty night. The wind was howling fiercely as the rain pounded the roof relentlessly. The temperature was well below freezing. It was 3:30 a.m. and “Lady” had to “go” outside. With great hesitation, I opened the door and discovered a small Shih Tzu gazing upward into my eyes. She appeared frightened as she cowered at my feet.
Her markings were stunning: grey, tan, white - even brown stripes on her ears. She “bumped” my ankle purposely with her nose and began wagging her tail as she gazed steadfastly into my eyes. Then, unexpectedly she laid at my feet as if pleading for her life.
After carefully examining her, we realized that she had been abused and abandoned. Covered with dirt, fleas, and ticks, she needed care. However, Mary and I had agreed that as long as Lady lived, there would not be another dog allowed. Without saying a word, she used her pleading eyes and wagging tail to “force” her way into our hearts and home.
After a few weeks, she became very attached to me. Constantly resting at my feet, standing patiently at the door not allowing me to leave without her, quietly waiting for me to make a move so she could join me seemed to be a statement that she could not live without me now.
Listen carefully as wisdom speaks: “Blessed is the man and woman who listens to me, watching daily at my door, waiting at my doorway.”
Bella is a constant reminder of those three very important words: listening, watching and waiting. How different life would be if our relationship with God centered around those three words.
Prayer: Father, May we learn to depend completely on You as the way, the truth and the source of light for our lives. May we look to You and wait on You for our needs. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 8:34 Blessed is the man and woman who listens to me, watching daily at my door, waiting at my doorway. 

Watching... Waiting... Wondering

It was an unusually nasty night. The wind was howling fiercely as the rain pounded the roof relentlessly. The temperature was well below freezing. It was 3:30 a.m. and “Lady” had to “go” outside. With great hesitation, I opened the door and discovered a small Shih Tzu gazing upward into my eyes. She appeared frightened as she cowered at my feet.
Her markings were stunning: grey, tan, white - even brown stripes on her ears. She “bumped” my ankle purposely with her nose and began wagging her tail as she gazed steadfastly into my eyes. Then, unexpectedly she laid at my feet as if pleading for her life.
After carefully examining her, we realized that she had been abused and abandoned. Covered with dirt, fleas, and ticks, she needed care. However, Mary and I had agreed that as long as Lady lived, there would not be another dog allowed. Without saying a word, she used her pleading eyes and wagging tail to “force” her way into our hearts and home.
After a few weeks, she became very attached to me. Constantly resting at my feet, standing patiently at the door not allowing me to leave without her, quietly waiting for me to make a move so she could join me seemed to be a statement that she could not live without me now.
Listen carefully as wisdom speaks: “Blessed is the man and woman who listens to me, watching daily at my door, waiting at my doorway.”
Bella is a constant reminder of those three very important words: listening, watching and waiting. How different life would be if our relationship with God centered around those three words.
Prayer: Father, May we learn to depend completely on You as the way, the truth and the source of light for our lives. May we look to You and wait on You for our needs. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 8:34 Blessed is the man and woman who listens to me, watching daily at my door, waiting at my doorway. 

Behind Everything: God's Wisdom

It’s not an everyday thought. Nor do we look at the beauty that surrounds us, the miracles that invade our lives, the unexpected meeting of our needs out of nowhere, or waking up to see the dawn of a new day. Somehow, we rarely see, or acknowledge, or are even aware of the wisdom of God at work in our lives and our world.
“I was appointed from eternity...from the very beginning before the world began, when there were no oceans, no springs with water, before the mountains were settled, before the hills, before He made the earth or its fields, or any of the dust of the world...before the heavens were set in place or He marked the horizons of the moon or established the clouds, or fixed the borders of the oceans and the foundation of the earth, I was the craftsman at His side!”
What a description of the wisdom of God in creation! Before anything was, there was wisdom - God’s wisdom - present and at work, forming and fashioning, settling and securing everything. Land before water, skies before birds, heavens before the clouds - and on and on. First, His presence, then His plan and now His purpose. Things did not just “happen.” God’s wisdom was at work, is at work, and will be at work throughout eternity
After looking at “wisdom at work,” Solomon says in simple, easy to understand words, “Now then, my sons, listen to me: blessed are those who keep My ways.” In other words, now that You see My wisdom, understand My wisdom, accept My wisdom and apply My wisdom to your lives
In the end: “Whoever finds Me finds life and finds favor from the Lord.” What a Creator!
Prayer: It’s almost impossible, Father, to comprehend the fact that Your wisdom is available to us if we seek it. Unsettle our hearts until You control them! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 8:32 Now then, my sons, listen to me: blessed are those who keep My ways. 

Behind Everything: God's Wisdom

It’s not an everyday thought. Nor do we look at the beauty that surrounds us, the miracles that invade our lives, the unexpected meeting of our needs out of nowhere, or waking up to see the dawn of a new day. Somehow, we rarely see, or acknowledge, or are even aware of the wisdom of God at work in our lives and our world.
“I was appointed from eternity...from the very beginning before the world began, when there were no oceans, no springs with water, before the mountains were settled, before the hills, before He made the earth or its fields, or any of the dust of the world...before the heavens were set in place or He marked the horizons of the moon or established the clouds, or fixed the borders of the oceans and the foundation of the earth, I was the craftsman at His side!”
What a description of the wisdom of God in creation! Before anything was, there was wisdom - God’s wisdom - present and at work, forming and fashioning, settling and securing everything. Land before water, skies before birds, heavens before the clouds - and on and on. First, His presence, then His plan and now His purpose. Things did not just “happen.” God’s wisdom was at work, is at work, and will be at work throughout eternity
After looking at “wisdom at work,” Solomon says in simple, easy to understand words, “Now then, my sons, listen to me: blessed are those who keep My ways.” In other words, now that You see My wisdom, understand My wisdom, accept My wisdom and apply My wisdom to your lives
In the end: “Whoever finds Me finds life and finds favor from the Lord.” What a Creator!
Prayer: It’s almost impossible, Father, to comprehend the fact that Your wisdom is available to us if we seek it. Unsettle our hearts until You control them! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 8:32 Now then, my sons, listen to me: blessed are those who keep My ways. 

Does Wisdom Lead To Love?

“I love those who love me,” says Wisdom. “Those who seek me find me,” she continues. Wisdom, then, is available to everyone who seeks her. If those who find her love her, she will love them in return. Furthermore, the matter is set in absolute and unquestionable terms.
How can this be true? It refers us back to verse thirteen: “To fear the Lord is to hate evil.” If we love wisdom, we will automatically hate evil. Love is always a choice and those whom we choose to love become the center of our lives. As a result of this choice, we honor them by our loyalty, our faithfulness, and obedience. Love is much more than emotions or sentiments. Love is other-centered, sacrificial, mutual and reciprocal.
If we truly love wisdom, we will apply its truth to our lives and benefit from its rewards. That’s why God gave us Proverbs! He wants His very best for us!
An interesting, yet seldom used phrase is “self-destructive or self-defeating behaviors.” Like it or not, many of us engage in behaviors that do not work in our favor or best interests. Often we are unaware that what we are doing will destroy and defeat us: not studying His Word and praying, not being accountable to or serving God. Even Solomon, with all of his wisdom and wealth, came to the end of his life and lacked self-control and had no fear of God.
And if God offers us anything, it is the path to success in life through His work and His Word. We have His wisdom to endow us, His light to guide us, His power to strengthen us, His presence to comfort us and His grace to save us.
Prayer: Father, You have offered us so much more than we deserve. Awaken our minds and hearts and help us to take advantage of each of Your gifts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 8:16 I love all who love me. Those who search will surely find me.

Does Wisdom Lead To Love?

“I love those who love me,” says Wisdom. “Those who seek me find me,” she continues. Wisdom, then, is available to everyone who seeks her. If those who find her love her, she will love them in return. Furthermore, the matter is set in absolute and unquestionable terms.
How can this be true? It refers us back to verse thirteen: “To fear the Lord is to hate evil.” If we love wisdom, we will automatically hate evil. Love is always a choice and those whom we choose to love become the center of our lives. As a result of this choice, we honor them by our loyalty, our faithfulness, and obedience. Love is much more than emotions or sentiments. Love is other-centered, sacrificial, mutual and reciprocal.
If we truly love wisdom, we will apply its truth to our lives and benefit from its rewards. That’s why God gave us Proverbs! He wants His very best for us!
An interesting, yet seldom used phrase is “self-destructive or self-defeating behaviors.” Like it or not, many of us engage in behaviors that do not work in our favor or best interests. Often we are unaware that what we are doing will destroy and defeat us: not studying His Word and praying, not being accountable to or serving God. Even Solomon, with all of his wisdom and wealth, came to the end of his life and lacked self-control and had no fear of God.
And if God offers us anything, it is the path to success in life through His work and His Word. We have His wisdom to endow us, His light to guide us, His power to strengthen us, His presence to comfort us and His grace to save us.
Prayer: Father, You have offered us so much more than we deserve. Awaken our minds and hearts and help us to take advantage of each of Your gifts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 8:16 I love all who love me. Those who search will surely find me.

Polar Opposites

“Have it your way” was the Burger King slogan for forty years. However, it was changed. Their new slogan is “Be Your Way.”
Why the change? In a recently released statement, the management team said the new motto is intended to remind people that “they can and should live how they want anytime. It’s ok not to be perfect. Self-expression is most important; it’s our differences that make us individuals instead of robots.”
Burger King’s Senior Vice President noted in an interview “that ‘Have it Your Way’ focuses only on the purchase...the ability to customize a burger. By contrast, he said, ‘Be Your Way’ is about making a connection with a person’s greater lifestyle.” How confusing.
A “lifestyle” reflects our way of life; our values and attitudes. If we “be our way,” it can be dangerous. It seems to suggest that “anything goes”... there is no wrong unless we agree on right and wrong. Furthermore, no one has any right to interfere with “my way.”
Unfortunately, our ways seldom agree with the ways of God unless we have been born again. Hearts are sinful, thoughts are corrupt, desires self-centered, and evil ways are the lifestyle of the non-believer.
“To fear the Lord is to hate evil,” said Solomon. Then, speaking on behalf of God, he said, “I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.”
God’s Word and wisdom is very clear: It’s either His way or the evil way. It cannot be both.
Prayer: Lord, living our way – a self-centered way - is the easy way - but the wrong way. Give us a deep desire to seek Your way and live a life that pleases You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 8:13 All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance, corruption and perverse speech. 

Polar Opposites

“Have it your way” was the Burger King slogan for forty years. However, it was changed. Their new slogan is “Be Your Way.”
Why the change? In a recently released statement, the management team said the new motto is intended to remind people that “they can and should live how they want anytime. It’s ok not to be perfect. Self-expression is most important; it’s our differences that make us individuals instead of robots.”
Burger King’s Senior Vice President noted in an interview “that ‘Have it Your Way’ focuses only on the purchase...the ability to customize a burger. By contrast, he said, ‘Be Your Way’ is about making a connection with a person’s greater lifestyle.” How confusing.
A “lifestyle” reflects our way of life; our values and attitudes. If we “be our way,” it can be dangerous. It seems to suggest that “anything goes”... there is no wrong unless we agree on right and wrong. Furthermore, no one has any right to interfere with “my way.”
Unfortunately, our ways seldom agree with the ways of God unless we have been born again. Hearts are sinful, thoughts are corrupt, desires self-centered, and evil ways are the lifestyle of the non-believer.
“To fear the Lord is to hate evil,” said Solomon. Then, speaking on behalf of God, he said, “I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.”
God’s Word and wisdom is very clear: It’s either His way or the evil way. It cannot be both.
Prayer: Lord, living our way – a self-centered way - is the easy way - but the wrong way. Give us a deep desire to seek Your way and live a life that pleases You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 8:13 All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance, corruption and perverse speech. 

The Call To Prudence

God certainly enjoys a sense of humor. Chapter eight begins with a call to “applied wisdom” and the fact that it even “goes looking” for “followers.” Here we find a distinct call from God Himself to the “simple” and “foolish” to stop and gain understanding! It’s like the stop, look and listen warning signs at railroad crossings: If you are not careful and stop, tragedy may strike!
How very gracious of Him to care for everyone! He knows that there are many who go through life aimlessly wandering from one mistake to another. It disturbs Him so much that He makes an urgent attempt to reach them once again and offer His grace, guidance, and willingness to guard everyone against themselves.
“Does not wisdom call out?” we read in His Word. His Word does not say, “Go here and there, and if you are fortunate, you may run into some good advice now and then.” That in itself would reveal a god who was not wise and caring. But throughout Scripture, God often appears as the “town crier” attempting to get the attention of people before disaster strikes. It is a common thread that binds the Old and New Testaments together.
Our God is not a silent god sitting on the sidelines of life watching us as though He were uninvolved and disinterested in our lives. Rather, He is always somewhere listening, watching, observing - but never a reluctant advisor. He is our Creator-Sustainer and waits anxiously and patiently to be our Redeemer and Savior. But we must respond to His voice to be victorious.
Those who do not respond to Him have no excuse. He makes His will and His way plain.
Prayer: Father, it’s never about You hiding from us or confusing us, but always about us rejecting You and refusing to hear Your voice or see Your Son. Forgive us! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 8:1 Listen as Wisdom calls out! Hear as understanding raises her voice!

The Call To Prudence

God certainly enjoys a sense of humor. Chapter eight begins with a call to “applied wisdom” and the fact that it even “goes looking” for “followers.” Here we find a distinct call from God Himself to the “simple” and “foolish” to stop and gain understanding! It’s like the stop, look and listen warning signs at railroad crossings: If you are not careful and stop, tragedy may strike!
How very gracious of Him to care for everyone! He knows that there are many who go through life aimlessly wandering from one mistake to another. It disturbs Him so much that He makes an urgent attempt to reach them once again and offer His grace, guidance, and willingness to guard everyone against themselves.
“Does not wisdom call out?” we read in His Word. His Word does not say, “Go here and there, and if you are fortunate, you may run into some good advice now and then.” That in itself would reveal a god who was not wise and caring. But throughout Scripture, God often appears as the “town crier” attempting to get the attention of people before disaster strikes. It is a common thread that binds the Old and New Testaments together.
Our God is not a silent god sitting on the sidelines of life watching us as though He were uninvolved and disinterested in our lives. Rather, He is always somewhere listening, watching, observing - but never a reluctant advisor. He is our Creator-Sustainer and waits anxiously and patiently to be our Redeemer and Savior. But we must respond to His voice to be victorious.
Those who do not respond to Him have no excuse. He makes His will and His way plain.
Prayer: Father, it’s never about You hiding from us or confusing us, but always about us rejecting You and refusing to hear Your voice or see Your Son. Forgive us! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 8:1 Listen as Wisdom calls out! Hear as understanding raises her voice!

A Disastrous Ending

Sexual promiscuity, in the eyes of many, is “not all that bad” or “something that can’t be helped” or is “just the way things are.” For some it has been “labeled an addiction” that needs to be “cured.” For others, it is not “what I had planned - but just happened.” And far too many have been desensitized to the fact that it is a sin and simply wrong, or if it’s “consensual,” it’s OK.
Not in God’s sight. It is sin and wrong.
God, speaking through Solomon, graphically set the standards for a sexual lifestyle that He would bless and the consequences for those who disregard His commandment.
Following God’s wisdom brings justice, safety, deliverance, good, godly friends, pleasure, peace, security, longevity, wellness, wholesome living, and certainly His very best blessings.
On the other hand...The “passing pleasure” of indulging in a life of adulterous living, however, has its own “rewards.” Solomon writes, “Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng.” It would seem that this would cause many to pause and ponder about sexual misconduct. But it does not stop there: “Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death.”
What a powerful “exposé” of the sin of adultery.
Our choice is very clear: we can enjoy intimacy and pleasure that comes from following God’s plan for sex, or follow a path that ends in the chamber of death.
Prayer: Lord, as always, the choice is ours. If we want a “God-blest life” life as You designed for us, we must follow Your commands. Lead us in paths or righteousness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 7:26-27 Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng. Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death. 

A Disastrous Ending

Sexual promiscuity, in the eyes of many, is “not all that bad” or “something that can’t be helped” or is “just the way things are.” For some it has been “labeled an addiction” that needs to be “cured.” For others, it is not “what I had planned - but just happened.” And far too many have been desensitized to the fact that it is a sin and simply wrong, or if it’s “consensual,” it’s OK.
Not in God’s sight. It is sin and wrong.
God, speaking through Solomon, graphically set the standards for a sexual lifestyle that He would bless and the consequences for those who disregard His commandment.
Following God’s wisdom brings justice, safety, deliverance, good, godly friends, pleasure, peace, security, longevity, wellness, wholesome living, and certainly His very best blessings.
On the other hand...The “passing pleasure” of indulging in a life of adulterous living, however, has its own “rewards.” Solomon writes, “Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng.” It would seem that this would cause many to pause and ponder about sexual misconduct. But it does not stop there: “Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death.”
What a powerful “exposé” of the sin of adultery.
Our choice is very clear: we can enjoy intimacy and pleasure that comes from following God’s plan for sex, or follow a path that ends in the chamber of death.
Prayer: Lord, as always, the choice is ours. If we want a “God-blest life” life as You designed for us, we must follow Your commands. Lead us in paths or righteousness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 7:26-27 Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng. Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death. 

There Is A Difference

While some may disagree, there is an obvious difference between “sophistication” and “maturity.” And over the years, the “gap” has grown.
A good example of this is seen in our children’s heroes. Heroes are no longer respected for what they do for others - but by how popular they are. Young girls see their “heroes” singing songs that mock purity, justice and decency, and dress seductively. Young boys wear the jerseys of athletes who have been accused of crimes that are “erased” when their “hero” stands up and says, “I take full responsibility for my behavior” and then go free. That does nothing to remove the scars from the victim’s heart. We see society making heroes of the wrong people.
Solomon looked out of his window and saw a group of young men making plans for the evening. One of them stood out from the others. It seemed as though he was having a difficult time with his options. Perhaps he was shifting back and forth from one foot to the other or glancing away from the “gang” as though he was not sure if he wanted to participate in their decision.
“I noticed among the young men, a youth who lacked judgment.” He was not ignorant nor did he have a low IQ. He was struggling to understand his choice and their consequences – and lacked direction. He knew what was appealing but had no one to guide him. What a tragedy.
How many of us see young men and women who have needs like this “young man” - trying to make a decision that will affect their entire life? “Sophistication” implies worldly knowledge. “Maturity” implies wise choices. God’s Word provides His wisdom to make wise choices.
Prayer: Lord, so many of our youth need guidance. In Your mercy, convict those of us who understand your wisdom to step up and speak out to help the lost. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 7:7 I saw some naive young men, and one in particular who lacked common sense. 

There Is A Difference

While some may disagree, there is an obvious difference between “sophistication” and “maturity.” And over the years, the “gap” has grown.
A good example of this is seen in our children’s heroes. Heroes are no longer respected for what they do for others - but by how popular they are. Young girls see their “heroes” singing songs that mock purity, justice and decency, and dress seductively. Young boys wear the jerseys of athletes who have been accused of crimes that are “erased” when their “hero” stands up and says, “I take full responsibility for my behavior” and then go free. That does nothing to remove the scars from the victim’s heart. We see society making heroes of the wrong people.
Solomon looked out of his window and saw a group of young men making plans for the evening. One of them stood out from the others. It seemed as though he was having a difficult time with his options. Perhaps he was shifting back and forth from one foot to the other or glancing away from the “gang” as though he was not sure if he wanted to participate in their decision.
“I noticed among the young men, a youth who lacked judgment.” He was not ignorant nor did he have a low IQ. He was struggling to understand his choice and their consequences – and lacked direction. He knew what was appealing but had no one to guide him. What a tragedy.
How many of us see young men and women who have needs like this “young man” - trying to make a decision that will affect their entire life? “Sophistication” implies worldly knowledge. “Maturity” implies wise choices. God’s Word provides His wisdom to make wise choices.
Prayer: Lord, so many of our youth need guidance. In Your mercy, convict those of us who understand your wisdom to step up and speak out to help the lost. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 7:7 I saw some naive young men, and one in particular who lacked common sense. 

What's In Your Eye?

“Lord,” he prayed over me, “take care of Larry. He’s the ‘apple’ of Your eye.”
Although I was semiconscious, the word “apple” echoed in my ear and came back to my mind again and again. What did he mean, “An apple in God’s eye?” Didn’t God have other things to look after that were much more important than an apple?
A few days later the man who prayed this prayer came to visit me. Fortunately, what some thought was a heart attack was an uncomfortable case of indigestion. All was well physically, but, my mind still wondered about the “apple.” So I asked.
“What did you mean when you prayed, ‘He’s the apple of Your eye’? I’m curious about what an apple and I have in common, especially in God’s eye.”
“Well,” he said, clearing his throat, “in Proverbs, there is a phrase that says, ‘Guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.’”
After a moment of deep thought, he added, “The apple of your eye means ‘the little man in your eye.’ If you gaze or stare intently at someone,” he said, “you can see the reflection of that person in the pupil of your eye. So, it means that whatever someone is staring at intently and unflinchingly must be carefully protected because it is precious in the eye of the beholder.”
“Larry,” he continued, “you are very precious to the Lord, and I wanted Him to protect and guard you because it was something I couldn’t do, but He could.”
Prayer: Lord, all of Your children are equally precious to You. We are so grateful that You have no favorites. Thank You for watching over and protecting us for our sake. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 7:2 Obey my commands and live! Guard my instructions as you guard your own eyes. 

What's In Your Eye?

“Lord,” he prayed over me, “take care of Larry. He’s the ‘apple’ of Your eye.”
Although I was semiconscious, the word “apple” echoed in my ear and came back to my mind again and again. What did he mean, “An apple in God’s eye?” Didn’t God have other things to look after that were much more important than an apple?
A few days later the man who prayed this prayer came to visit me. Fortunately, what some thought was a heart attack was an uncomfortable case of indigestion. All was well physically, but, my mind still wondered about the “apple.” So I asked.
“What did you mean when you prayed, ‘He’s the apple of Your eye’? I’m curious about what an apple and I have in common, especially in God’s eye.”
“Well,” he said, clearing his throat, “in Proverbs, there is a phrase that says, ‘Guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.’”
After a moment of deep thought, he added, “The apple of your eye means ‘the little man in your eye.’ If you gaze or stare intently at someone,” he said, “you can see the reflection of that person in the pupil of your eye. So, it means that whatever someone is staring at intently and unflinchingly must be carefully protected because it is precious in the eye of the beholder.”
“Larry,” he continued, “you are very precious to the Lord, and I wanted Him to protect and guard you because it was something I couldn’t do, but He could.”
Prayer: Lord, all of Your children are equally precious to You. We are so grateful that You have no favorites. Thank You for watching over and protecting us for our sake. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 7:2 Obey my commands and live! Guard my instructions as you guard your own eyes. 

Now, what?

One of the most influential teachers in my life was “Gunny Smith.” I met him one beautiful, sunny fall evening in Newport, RI. He stood as straight and rigid as the flag pole beside him. As new Navy Chaplain recruits, we had no idea what to expect. But, one look at his crisp uniform, brightly shined shoes, short hair, and steady gaze left no doubt in our minds that what we expected didn’t matter. Our lives were in his hands. He knew it. We would soon accept it.
With obvious confidence in his voice, he said, “Gentlemen, I will soon become the most loved and feared person you will ever meet.” He lived up to that statement. He was responsible for teaching us how to live as officers in the Navy and how to survive in combat if necessary. He took his responsibilities seriously.
Solomon took his responsibilities as a father seriously, too. He warned his son to “continually bind God’s laws around his heart, tie them around his neck... so when you walk, they will guide you, when you sleep they will watch over you, and when you awake they will speak to you.” In other words, wherever he was, no matter the time or circumstances, whether night or day, “His law” would be a lamp and light always, and, when necessary, correct and discipline him.
“Gunny” and Solomon knew and accepted their responsibilities with all their heart. They were well aware of the fact that lives depended on their effectiveness to prepare heads and hearts, and shape the conduct and attitude of the “untrained” – children and recruits alike!
Prayer: We pray, Heavenly Father, that we will accept the responsibility and fulfill our obligation to You to train others whom you have entrusted to us to accept Your teachings and walk in Your light. May our “walk” be more obvious than our words, as we seek to honor You in all things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 6:21-22 Keep their words always in your heart. Tie them around your neck. When you walk, their counsel will lead you. When you sleep, they will protect you. When you wake up, they will advise you. 

Now, what?

One of the most influential teachers in my life was “Gunny Smith.” I met him one beautiful, sunny fall evening in Newport, RI. He stood as straight and rigid as the flag pole beside him. As new Navy Chaplain recruits, we had no idea what to expect. But, one look at his crisp uniform, brightly shined shoes, short hair, and steady gaze left no doubt in our minds that what we expected didn’t matter. Our lives were in his hands. He knew it. We would soon accept it.
With obvious confidence in his voice, he said, “Gentlemen, I will soon become the most loved and feared person you will ever meet.” He lived up to that statement. He was responsible for teaching us how to live as officers in the Navy and how to survive in combat if necessary. He took his responsibilities seriously.
Solomon took his responsibilities as a father seriously, too. He warned his son to “continually bind God’s laws around his heart, tie them around his neck... so when you walk, they will guide you, when you sleep they will watch over you, and when you awake they will speak to you.” In other words, wherever he was, no matter the time or circumstances, whether night or day, “His law” would be a lamp and light always, and, when necessary, correct and discipline him.
“Gunny” and Solomon knew and accepted their responsibilities with all their heart. They were well aware of the fact that lives depended on their effectiveness to prepare heads and hearts, and shape the conduct and attitude of the “untrained” – children and recruits alike!
Prayer: We pray, Heavenly Father, that we will accept the responsibility and fulfill our obligation to You to train others whom you have entrusted to us to accept Your teachings and walk in Your light. May our “walk” be more obvious than our words, as we seek to honor You in all things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 6:21-22 Keep their words always in your heart. Tie them around your neck. When you walk, their counsel will lead you. When you sleep, they will protect you. When you wake up, they will advise you. 

Values Begin At Home

Morris Massey was a professor of communication at the University of Colorado. While there, he became famous for a film entitled, “What You Are is Where You Were When?” Though the title may be confusing, the message is not. All of us are “value programmed” in our homes by the time we are six. “Value programmed” means that our behaviors or lifestyles come from our parents or primary teachers. And, these behaviors or “values” are so deeply ingrained within us that we “live” or “behave them” without even thinking about them. Unless there is an event in our lives that force us to change, we take them to our grave.
“My son,” said Solomon, once again wanting his son’s undivided attention, challenged him to “keep your father’s commands and do not forsake your mother’s teachings.”
Now, Solomon or the mother of that particular son, certainly did not know about Morris Massey or his research. But, they did know the importance, influence, and impact that how they lived and what they taught their children was critical for their children’s wellbeing. So, they chose to make an issue about how they should live. And, furthermore, made no apology for doing so.
Throughout Scripture, fathers and mothers are authorized, with divine authority, to set the boundaries, behaviors, and attitudes of their children. Solomon and his wife were determined to do this. They realized their obligation to God and were willing to obey Him.
Prayer: Father, children are entrusted to parents as Your gifts to them, to lead and train them in Your paths. Give parents’ courage and insight to follow Your directions! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 6:20 My son, obey your father’s commands, and don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. 

Values Begin At Home

Morris Massey was a professor of communication at the University of Colorado. While there, he became famous for a film entitled, “What You Are is Where You Were When?” Though the title may be confusing, the message is not. All of us are “value programmed” in our homes by the time we are six. “Value programmed” means that our behaviors or lifestyles come from our parents or primary teachers. And, these behaviors or “values” are so deeply ingrained within us that we “live” or “behave them” without even thinking about them. Unless there is an event in our lives that force us to change, we take them to our grave.
“My son,” said Solomon, once again wanting his son’s undivided attention, challenged him to “keep your father’s commands and do not forsake your mother’s teachings.”
Now, Solomon or the mother of that particular son, certainly did not know about Morris Massey or his research. But, they did know the importance, influence, and impact that how they lived and what they taught their children was critical for their children’s wellbeing. So, they chose to make an issue about how they should live. And, furthermore, made no apology for doing so.
Throughout Scripture, fathers and mothers are authorized, with divine authority, to set the boundaries, behaviors, and attitudes of their children. Solomon and his wife were determined to do this. They realized their obligation to God and were willing to obey Him.
Prayer: Father, children are entrusted to parents as Your gifts to them, to lead and train them in Your paths. Give parents’ courage and insight to follow Your directions! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 6:20 My son, obey your father’s commands, and don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. 

Does God Have An Attitude?

“Attitude” is an interesting word. And it has different meanings to different people. There are times when we speak of a “good” attitude, and times when we speak of a “bad” attitude. Normally, an attitude refers to a position that someone has about something or even someone else. But, is it fair to say that our God, who is compassionate and caring, has an attitude?
“There are six things the Lord hates; seven are an abomination to Him.” Well, if we learn what those “things” are, is that all we have to worry about? Not really. These “things” are not intended to be an exhaustive list. We all make lists that we can add things to or remove things from - even God can do this. But these “things” are very serious to God and build on the list Solomon began earlier. Here, however, he reinforces the Lord’s attitude toward such “things.” Read the list very carefully and discover some “things” that God has an “attitude” toward:
1. Haughty eyes: A proud, condescending glare that comes from a heart full of arrogance and deceit.
2. A lying tongue: God only honors truth and purity.
3. Hands that shed innocent blood: Any person unjustly killed, which certainly includes the unborn child.
4. Hearts that “devise” wicked schemes: Using scams to hide the truth from simple and trusting folk.
5. Feet that rush to evil: Feet follow the plans of the heart and engage the soul in sin.
6. A false witness: Lies, to some, are as natural as breathing.
7. Strife-spreaders: “Trouble-makers” are all around us and will be destroyed.
Prayer: Lord, if we took Your Words as seriously as You do, what beautiful lives we would live! Help us to avoid these “things” and be pleasing to you. We need You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things the Lord hates—no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family.

Does God Have An Attitude?

“Attitude” is an interesting word. And it has different meanings to different people. There are times when we speak of a “good” attitude, and times when we speak of a “bad” attitude. Normally, an attitude refers to a position that someone has about something or even someone else. But, is it fair to say that our God, who is compassionate and caring, has an attitude?
“There are six things the Lord hates; seven are an abomination to Him.” Well, if we learn what those “things” are, is that all we have to worry about? Not really. These “things” are not intended to be an exhaustive list. We all make lists that we can add things to or remove things from - even God can do this. But these “things” are very serious to God and build on the list Solomon began earlier. Here, however, he reinforces the Lord’s attitude toward such “things.” Read the list very carefully and discover some “things” that God has an “attitude” toward:
1. Haughty eyes: A proud, condescending glare that comes from a heart full of arrogance and deceit.
2. A lying tongue: God only honors truth and purity.
3. Hands that shed innocent blood: Any person unjustly killed, which certainly includes the unborn child.
4. Hearts that “devise” wicked schemes: Using scams to hide the truth from simple and trusting folk.
5. Feet that rush to evil: Feet follow the plans of the heart and engage the soul in sin.
6. A false witness: Lies, to some, are as natural as breathing.
7. Strife-spreaders: “Trouble-makers” are all around us and will be destroyed.
Prayer: Lord, if we took Your Words as seriously as You do, what beautiful lives we would live! Help us to avoid these “things” and be pleasing to you. We need You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things the Lord hates—no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family.

Another Wrong Way

It seems as though there are more wrong turns in life than there are right turns. Many begin their careers strong, have high ideals, clear goals and objectives, and then, for one reason or another, they drop from sight.
Normally, it is not from a disaster or one single event. It’s usually a combination of things. But, there is one “habit” that is mentioned again and again in Proverbs as a reason for failure: laziness. It is identified more than ten times as the reason for failure.
The word used for “laziness” leaves no room to wiggle away from the diagnosis: sluggard. If there is any living thing that most people want to avoid it is a “mollusk” or “slug.” In fact, the very word “slug” brings to the mind’s eye some “thing” that is lazy, sluggish, undirected and listless. Slugs seem to be on everyone's’ “avoid at all costs” list because they endanger plant life.
However, there is something interesting about “sluggard.” In this verse, Solomon compared and contrasted the “way” of the sluggard to an ant. Now, on the one hand, few insects in life can be as annoying, bothersome, and troublesome as an ant.
On the other hand, however, ants show a vivid vision of a work ethic that is worthy of copying. Ants plan and prioritize, are motivated and industrious, disciplined and diligent, self-controlled and self-reliant — certainly a sign of “applied wisdom” that began with God in creation.
God’s wisdom is practical, simple and sensible and can lead to our success. The ant is a great example: its wisdom, as does ours, comes from God!
Prayer: Thank You, Father, for illustrating how little things in life can make a big difference. May we accept wisdom, that comes from You, guide us and guard us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 6:6 Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise!

Another Wrong Way

It seems as though there are more wrong turns in life than there are right turns. Many begin their careers strong, have high ideals, clear goals and objectives, and then, for one reason or another, they drop from sight.
Normally, it is not from a disaster or one single event. It’s usually a combination of things. But, there is one “habit” that is mentioned again and again in Proverbs as a reason for failure: laziness. It is identified more than ten times as the reason for failure.
The word used for “laziness” leaves no room to wiggle away from the diagnosis: sluggard. If there is any living thing that most people want to avoid it is a “mollusk” or “slug.” In fact, the very word “slug” brings to the mind’s eye some “thing” that is lazy, sluggish, undirected and listless. Slugs seem to be on everyone's’ “avoid at all costs” list because they endanger plant life.
However, there is something interesting about “sluggard.” In this verse, Solomon compared and contrasted the “way” of the sluggard to an ant. Now, on the one hand, few insects in life can be as annoying, bothersome, and troublesome as an ant.
On the other hand, however, ants show a vivid vision of a work ethic that is worthy of copying. Ants plan and prioritize, are motivated and industrious, disciplined and diligent, self-controlled and self-reliant — certainly a sign of “applied wisdom” that began with God in creation.
God’s wisdom is practical, simple and sensible and can lead to our success. The ant is a great example: its wisdom, as does ours, comes from God!
Prayer: Thank You, Father, for illustrating how little things in life can make a big difference. May we accept wisdom, that comes from You, guide us and guard us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 6:6 Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise!

Secret Sins

Unbelievable, really, what some of us believe.
When I was a child, we had “bins” in our kitchen that contained flour and sugar. As a child, I had little use for either of them. So I thought.
One of the great memories of my childhood was the tent my Dad erected in the back yard. It was a place where many of the children in our neighborhood would gather to talk and hide, share secrets and snacks, and “get away from our parents’ watching eyes and listening ears.”
Sunday afternoon family “get-togethers” were a regular occurrence. Once, after a short discussion about the “fun” of smoking, we concluded that we were old enough to smoke. If it was OK for our parents to smoke, it was OK for us, too. There was only one problem: we had no tobacco, no paper to roll the tobacco in, and no matches. No problem.
I went inside for some matches and newspaper while a friend went into our garden and collected some “silk” from several ears of corn. That would serve as our tobacco. So, we carefully rolled the silk into the paper to make cigarettes. Everything was going well.
I decided to be the first to “light-up.” When I tried to inhale, the paper burst into flames and singed my eyebrows. “Teeman” had the solution: “Run into the kitchen and rub sugar over your eyebrows.” That, he promised, would hide the “evidence” – the singed eyebrows of my “accident.”
Unfortunately, my Dad came into the kitchen - and there I was: head deep inside the sugar bin. And, of course, nothing I said made sense or hid the truth.
“A man’s ways are in full view of the Lord.” (As well as others!)
Prayer: It’s difficult, if not impossible Lord, to hide anything from anybody, and certainly not possible to hide anything from You. May we live with nothing to hide. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 5:21 For the Lord sees clearly what a man does, examining every path he takes.