Rejection Is Not Final Or Fatal

One of the world’s greatest violinists, Paganini, once commissioned a composer to write a concerto that would display the artist’s magnificent skills. The violinist said that he wanted the concerto to include quiet melodies that would move the audience to a hushed silence. He also wanted it to contain bursts of music that would expose his ability to play loud and with breathtaking speed.

After several weeks the composer returned to the studio of Paganini and presented his concerto. After he reviewed it briefly, he turned to the composer and said, “This lacks life. It is not good enough for Paganini.”

Later, while attending a concert by another violinist, Paganini heard him play the concerto that the composer had written for him. The performance moved him to tears, and the audience responded with applause that went on for many minutes. When the applause ended, Paganini went to the composer, dropped to his knees before the stunned audience, and kissed his hand. After a moment he looked humbly at the composer and admitted his mistake and asked for his forgiveness.

Years ago, a Psalmist wrote, “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” Jesus referred to this verse when He spoke of being rejected by His own people. Although He was once rejected, Jesus is now the cornerstone - the most important part - of our salvation and His church. We must always be alert to what God wants to bring into our lives. Unless we are open to the gentle calling of His spirit, we may miss His best for us.

Prayer:  Open our ears and our hearts to Your voice, O Lord, that we may always be ready to accept Your gift. Help us to never reject Your blessings, Your provision, or Your word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. Psalm 118:22

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Make Me Good, Daddy

Recently a new diagnosis was introduced to explain the “out-of-control” behavior of a high school student. While under the influence of alcohol, he killed four people with his automobile. Rather than charging him with vehicular manslaughter and sentencing him to spend time in a correctional facility, he was given probation for “affluenza,” an entirely new mental disorder.

Many were curious about the cause of this “disease” until a psychiatrist explained its source: it came from parents who gave their child everything he wanted, held him accountable for nothing and as a result he never learned right from wrong.

However, this is not the way our Heavenly Father “educates” us. One of His “children” provided us with an insightful detail into His method of child-rearing: “The Lord has chastened me severely, but He has not given me over to death.”

The word “chasten” means to “punish, restrain or moderate” someone’s behavior. So, when God “chastens” us, He is in fact confronting our un-Christ-like behavior and urging us to repent. We are instructed in God’s Word to “let God train you, for He is doing what any loving father does for his children. For whoever heard of a son who was never corrected.”

One day a father found it necessary to chastise his son. After the punishment he looked at his Dad and said, “I understand, Dad. I did wrong and you were trying to make me good. I know you love me, Dad, and I love you.”

Prayer:  Father, keep us focused on living as Your Son, our Savior lived, and correct us swiftly when we go astray. Your correction shows us Your love. Thank You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – The Lord has chastened me severely, but He has not given me over to death. Psalm 118:18

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Strength For The Journey

There are “woods” and there are “woulds.” And there is a significant difference between the two of them. We know that “forests” are made of “trees” that we call “woods.” And there are many Christians who have “woulds” in their lives.

Every now and then we hear some say, “I know that what I am doing is wrong - but I’m going to do it anyway. I would do the right thing but there is some thing inside me that is stronger than me and it makes me do these evil things. I would do the Lord’s will, but there is some thing deep within me that continues to make me a slave to sin, and I would give it up but have not been able to.”

That’s being lost “in the woulds.” But the Psalmist decided that he would not be lost in the “woulds.” Rather, he confidently cried out from the depths of his heart and said, “The Lord is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation!”

We are never sufficient in ourselves to be or do all that God would have us to do. We have proven this time and time again: we often intend to do what was right only to realize that our best and most earnest efforts were not enough. We needed someone Who was above us and beyond us but willingly and lovingly lived within us.

Jesus said, “Without Me you can do nothing.” However, Paul gave us the solution to our lack of strength and the resource that is available to enable us to do God’s will: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”

If we would do right and live right, He must be Lord.

Prayer: Often, Lord, we would do what is right only to fail. Strengthen us with Your Spirit to honor You always. You are our strength and reason to sing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – The Lord is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation. Psalm 118:14

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In The Name Of The Lord - Peace

Bee researchers have discovered that there are more than 20,000 species of bees. Each species of bee has its own colony or community, and bees can be found in most parts of the world. Each species has three types of bees: the queen bee, the worker bee and the drone. Bees can see all colors but red and have a strong sense of smell that helps them find flowers to gather pollen that produces honey. The honey that bees produce has been prized for years because it is a source of sweetness and energy. Recently, however, honey has been identified as a resource that may be helpful to contribute to certain types of healing.

While information about bees may be interesting to some, most of us care only about their honey or the fear that we might be stung by one. At least that was the attitude of the Psalmist. When surrounded by his enemies he said, “They swarmed around me like bees, but they were consumed as quickly as burning thorns.” Obviously, he was terribly threatened by those who would destroy him, but his faith and trust in God put him at ease. “In the name of the Lord I cut them - my enemies - down.”

Each day we face many “enemies.” They come at us from every direction. Whether our “enemies” are doubts or fears, a life-threatening disease or the loss of a loved one, financial woes or being abandoned - you name it - enemies come in all sizes and shapes and from every direction.

No one is immune from the “sting” of an enemy. But, thank God, when we Christians are besieged by the hurts that come from the “stings” of life, the Lord will heal them.

Prayer:  How grateful we are Lord, to know that when we are “swarmed” by the “bees” of life, You will rescue us! We are safe, protected by Your power. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  – They swarmed around me like bees, but they were consumed as quickly as burning thorns; in the name of the LORD I cut them down. Psalm 118:12

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Is The Right Person On Your Side?

The Civil War was a dark period in the history of the United States. President Abraham Lincoln had little time for anything else in his life. The demands on him were overwhelming, and he went for days without enjoying his family.

On one occasion while meeting with Secretary of State William Seward in the Cabinet room, his son burst through the door in tears and said, “I want my father!”

The secretary could have said, “Your father is too busy for you. Let me get you a teacher who can help you with your problems.” Or, he could have said, “Let me get you an attorney who will represent you wisely and get you out of any problem you might have.”

The child knew who he wanted, and it was not the Secretary of State or some other highly qualified person. He wanted his father. No one else could fill that need.

And, that is essentially what the Psalmist said when he cried, “In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and He answered by setting me free.” God was his first responder.

Sometimes it is easy to turn to the person who we consider to be our closest friend when we face a tough time in our lives. Or, we may look for a person who is known for his brilliance or knowledge or wisdom or status to rescue us from any number of problems that are beyond our capabilities. That may not be wise.

When we face the uncertainties of life, the first person we need to call on for guidance is God. We must go to him as a child to a father knowing He is waiting to help.

Prayer:  Lord, we know that no one cares for us as much as You do. Teach us to look to You first when we are in need, knowing that You are “for” us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  – In my anguish, I cried to the Lord, and He answered me by setting me free. Psalm 118:5

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It's There - Waiting

Mary and I had been on a long trip. We had been driving for hours. We arrived home in the midst of a storm. The wind seemed to be coming from every direction, and the rain was cold and biting. We sat in our car for a moment looking at our home that was dark and empty. I left the lights on in the car and made my way up the steps, turned on the lights and turned up the thermostat. Suddenly, what had once been dark and dismal was now warm and welcoming.

Although our home was cold and dark, power was available to eliminate the darkness and provide energy for warmth. But it was necessary for me to do “something” to change things.

In a spiritual sense, this is true of prayer. The writer of Psalm 118 was in a situation where he desperately needed help. He knew there was a source of power that was beyond himself that he could go to if he chose to. And he did! Hear his words: “In my anguish, I cried to the Lord, and He answered me by setting me free!”

The prayer of faith is far more powerful than any source of power we know. It is the most unused force for good that is available to man.

It was Jesus who challenged us to go to this Source of power for anything and everything: “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!” Jesus set no limits on what we might ask for as long as it is in keeping with His nature and character. Whatever we ask for, if it will bring honor and glory to His name, He will give us.

Prayer:  Help us, Father, to take Your challenge to pray for anything that we might need as long as it honors You. Thank You for Your light and warmth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  – In my anguish, I cried to the Lord, and He answered me by setting me free. Psalm 118:5

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Which Is Better: Long Or Short?

One of my childhood memories is standing for great lengths of time while certain people prayed long, boring prayers. I remember asking God more than once if there was not something more important for Him to do than to listen to Mr. “whatever his name was.” Occasionally I would put my fingers over my eyes, slightly spread two of them apart and then look around to see what everyone was doing. Most of them, if I recall correctly, were slightly shifting their weight from one foot to the other, trying not to disturb the person standing next to them.

It was later in life that I discovered length was not all that important when we pray. It is our sincerity and the purpose of our prayers that gets God’s attention.

Perhaps Psalms 117 was included in the Bible to make this point. It is a prayer of praise written by an unknown author. Notice also that it begins with an invitation to the Gentiles to “Laud Him” - the “Lord.” The Psalmist wants everyone to know that everyone is invited to worship Yahweh.

And, after the invitation, the Psalmist gives a reason for this special call to worship: “For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.” Then, he shouts in gratitude: “Praise the Lord.”

The Psalmist made a special effort to announce the fact that all nations are included in this call to worship. It is echoed in the words of Jesus: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Prayer:  We thank You, Father, for Your great love and faithfulness that is limitless, all-inclusive and everlasting. What a blessing to know that I am included in Your love and faithfulness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  – Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD. Psalm 117

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Does Size Matter?

Have you ever heard that “bigger is better” or that “smaller is insufficient?” Some think that size makes a difference. And there may be times when both are true.

Psalm 117 provides a significant statement on size. It is the shortest chapter in the Bible. Yet it contains some of the largest themes in the Word of God.

For example, “Praise the Lord, all you nations.” The Lord is not limited to any one nation or country. God did not send His Son to be the Savior of one particular group. His Word states that “The Father sent the Son to be the savior of the world...”  There is no Biblical basis to believe that our Lord loves some one more than He does every one. The word world includes every continent - from the most God-hating to the most God-honoring.

It also states that His love is not limited: “For great is His love for us.” Our God has no favorites. We may question why others are more prosperous than we are or have more of life’s goods than we do. But that does not mean that they are loved more than anyone else. God gave them what He did for a particular reason, and He gives us what He did for a particular reason. They, as well as the rest of us, will be accountable to Him for each of His gifts. It is never what He gives us, but how we bless God and others with His gifts that He gives us.

Finally, His “faithfulness endures forever.” God is not nice today and spiteful tomorrow. Who He is today He will be tomorrow and throughout eternity. His pledges and promises are predictable. His Word proves that fact.

Prayer:  Thank You, Father, for a love that includes all of us and Your faithfulness that will not waver. You truly deserve all our praise! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD. Psalm 117

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Speaking Of Death...

Not many of us enjoy the topic of death. In fact, for most of us, it is a topic that we avoid until it is necessary. But the author of Psalm 116 made a rather significant statement that Christians can rely on with assurance, confidence and the hope that comes from being born again.    

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” What might this mean? We know that God is in control of our lives and everything that happens to the Christian. Nothing happens by chance because He is ultimately responsible for every event in our lives from our birth until our death. All of us have our obligation to Him, and until our work is finished, death will not overtake us!

This verse also speaks of God’s compassion. The word “precious” means “costly” or “dear.” The death of a Christian is an object of great value to our Lord. All throughout our lives we have been born into the Kingdom of God and have His guardian angels surrounding us. Their very last responsibility is to carry us to be with Him eternally.

Another gracious implication in this verse is the consequences of death. There will be no more sadness or sorrow or suffering. We will be free from our worries and woes. When we are with our Lord, we will enjoy the peace of His presence and the joy of being reunited with our family and friends. There will be no more feelings of separation or loneliness, and the longings of our hearts will be complete with the promise of life with Him.

Prayer:  How great is the hope in our hearts, Heavenly Father, as we anticipate being with You forever. Save us and hold us, we pray.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Psalm 116:15 

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God's Greatest Gift

Betsy ended her prayer and was about to get in bed. With a puzzled look on her face, she turned to her Dad and asked, “Daddy, did I leave anything out? I have so many things to thank Jesus for. I sure don’t want to forget any of them. Jesus is really good to us, isn’t He Daddy?”

The author of Psalm 116 was also aware of God’s goodness. Betsy wanted to make sure that she thanked God for being kind to her. She must have itemized her list in her mind like she had been to a grocery store and wanted to make sure that she remembered everything.

  However, the Psalmist must have had a balance sheet in mind when he asked, “How can I repay the Lord for His goodness to me?” How different from Betsy. She simply wanted to offer her thanks for the gifts that He gave her. But the Psalmist looked at what God gave him from a different perspective: He wanted to pay God for what He had done for him. However, it is impossible to repay God! If we could somehow pay God for His gifts, they would not be gifts.

This brings us to the very heart of the Bible - a loving God who gives. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” God gives, and we are to receive.

Suddenly, the Psalmist realized that the Lord is not a salesman who has anything to sell - but a Giver who gives His salvation freely. Rejoicing he said, “I will lift up the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord.”

There is nothing that delights our Creator more than for those who He created to accept the Gift of His Son.

Prayer:  Thank You, Lord, for the many gifts You lavish on us each day. We are unworthy, the gifts are so many, and we are so thankful for them. But we are most thankful to you for saving us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – I will lift up the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord. Psalm 116:13

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Anxious And Afraid

Walk through the waiting area in an emergency room and the “face of anxiety” becomes real. From a minor cut to a major wound, fear is obvious and real. Even people with a deep faith in God are often grasping for a sign of hope or a word of comfort.

Our Psalmist was familiar with feelings of both peace and anxiety. He knew the comfort of God’s grace and had experienced His peace. However, he had an illness that took him to the very door of death. And beginning in verse one he walks us through his ordeal expressing his love for God and the greatness of His grace. He also presented a beautiful picture of God: He is a God who listens to our cries, responds with help, is gracious and righteous, filled with compassion, protects even the “simple-hearted” folk who are in need and saves them. All the characteristics that he uses to describe God, by the way, are ones that every Christian can develop and share with others.

At the end of his ordeal, he seems to catch his breath and reminds himself to: “Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” It’s as though he could not believe the goodness of God, His grace, or His power.

Paul wrote to the Corinthians about this. “...My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in (your) weakness.” God’s power to put our minds and heart at peace is a theme that runs through Scripture.

God spoke of this in Genesis: “Do not be afraid for I am with you...” And before Jesus returned to be with His Father, He promised that “I am with you always!”

Prayer:  Lord, when we face situations that are beyond our control, assure us of Your presence, peace and power. Help us to rest in Your goodness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. Psalm 116:7

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Save Me, Lord

Jennifer never met a stranger. No matter where she was or who she met, she always made friends quickly.

Once when traveling on a train, she became bored and decided to walk down the aisle and chat with the folk who were on the train with her. Smilingly she went from seat to seat greeting the passengers. Everyone wanted to know who she was and who she was going to visit. Without any notice, the train entered a tunnel and darkness filled the passenger car before the bright lights came on. Little Jennifer ran down the aisle shouting, “Help, Mom! Where are you? I need you!” Standing in the aisle, her mother reached out to her, hugged her and said, “It’s O.K. I’m right here with you, Jennifer. Don’t be afraid.”

When things are going well, and we are enjoying prosperity, it is difficult to admit that we need anyone’s help. But when the “lights go out,” we all tend to run to someone who we believe can help us.

The author of Psalm 116 was going through a dark and difficult time in his life. Things looked dismal. He was overcome with trouble and sorrow. “Then,” he wrote, “I called on the name of the Lord; O Lord, save me!”

In four simple words, he said everything that needed to be said. There was no time for formalities, and no need for any particular posture. Problems erupted. Help was needed. God was listening. Problem solved!

“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” Length is not part of the equation. Sincerity and righteousness are what make prayer powerful.

Prayer:  Lord, in our dark times we run to You. Teach us and help us to walk with You in the light. We need You all the time! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – Then I called on the name of the LORD: “LORD, save me!” Psalm 116:4

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Why Not Now, God?

It is always troubling for me to give hope or provide a suitable answer to one who has called on God for help and the call seems to go unanswered. What can I say to one when they are searching for an “absent” God?

What happens when in the midst of a life-ending disease, God does not respond   the way we want Him to respond? What are we to think if God does not act in a way that meets our expectations? What can we say to an unbeliever who is asking questions about the suffering that goes on with no end in sight if we talk about a loving God? When thousands are starving, and food is going to waste, can we assure the hungry that God is sensitive to their pangs of hunger? What do we say to the scoffer? In fact, what do we who believe in a God who answers prayers, do when He seems to turn a deaf ear on us?

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to Your name be the glory because of Your love and faithfulness.” The Gentiles were challenging the Israelites “silent God.” They were looking for a God who kept His word, and this time He was nowhere to be found. While it is clear that God is in the heavens, what is He doing on earth? The Psalmist lives in the present - as we do - and wants to know why God seems unconcerned. The Psalmist in this verse wants God to act for God’s sake - “Not to us,” he cries. So, what’s the answer? Is there one?

We live in a fallen world. Satan is still powerful and active. “All things will be new” when He returns. And in between now and then, He promises, “Lo, I am with you!”

Prayer:  Father, Your Son did not want to suffer, but He did. As You were with Him, we trust you to be with us also. Come soon! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  -Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. Psalm 115:1

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In His Presence

Legend records interesting stories of temples built by the Turks years ago. They built their temples with roofs that were always open. They did this to reflect their belief that God cannot be confined to them or with them. To them, God is present everywhere, and His presence cannot be contained by a building or any other thing.

The Psalmist wrote, “Tremble, earth, at the presence of the Lord.” When God comes and is present, things will happen. This is why churches and church attendance are so fundamental. When the children of God gather together to worship the living God, the unexpected, yet possible, can and will happen, if He is present.

Listen to the Psalmist “ the presence of the God of Jacob, who turned the rock into a pool, the hard rock into springs of water...” It was Moses who commanded water from the rock. God answered Him, and Israel’s thirst was quenched because God was present. When Jesus entered His public ministry, He performed many miracles. Demons were cast out, the sick were healed, the hungry were fed, lepers were cleansed, and the blind could see once again. When Jesus performed His miracles, God was present, and His power was visible to those who gathered around Him.  

 Jesus promised that if “... two or three come together in my Name, there am I with them!” When we, as His disciples, gather together in His name and agree to ask for anything that is consistent with His nature, He will be present. He will not only hear us but grant our request.  

God will always be present if we gather in His name.

Prayer:  Father, forgive us for our self-imposed limits. In Your presence and in Your Name miracles will happen. Help us to be receptive to Your ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – Tremble, earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob, who turned the rock into a pool, the hard rock into springs of water. Psalm 114:7-8

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Let Him In!

He’d been away at school for several months. When he arrived home, it was one o’clock in the morning. But he was anxious to see his fiancée.  After all, he drove for many hours with a box of candy and a large bouquet of flowers next to him on the front seat.

When he arrived at his fiancée’s home, he ran up the steps - flowers and candy tucked under his arm - and rang the doorbell. From a window in her room upstairs she shouted, “Go away. Come back in the morning. I’ve been asleep for hours.”

Anger swept over him. First, he rammed his fist through the window in the door. Then he stuffed the candy and flowers through the broken window. Still, in a rage, he started his car and drove it into the front of her house. Finally, when there was no response, he left.

Our Lord is much different. He gently knocks at the door of our hearts wanting to enter into our lives. “Here I am. I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with Me.” While the Lord stands at the door of our heart and gently knocks, He will not force His way in nor leave in anger.

The Psalmist wrote, “Judah became His sanctuary.” What a beautiful picture! Their hearts became His very own holy place. God redeems us because He wants to dwell within us, that we might become His holy place!  

  He wants to make our hearts His home, but we must invite Him in. He will never force His way into our lives.

Prayer:  Come, Heavenly Father, and make our heart Your home and allow us to become Your Holy Place. Abide in us and teach us to abide in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – Judah became God’s sanctuary, Israel his dominion. Psalm 114:2

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The agnostics wonder if there is a God. The materialists boast that they do not need a god. There are even some who do not want to know if there is a God because they do not want to face Him. Christians, however, are thankful for God because they could not live without Him.

In wonderment, the Psalmist and the Christian ask a reasonable question: “Who is like the Lord our God?” And the answer is: “No one!”

Who is like Him in power? He is the “All-Powerful One.” The word “impossible” is not in His vocabulary. Whatever needs to be done, He can do. He cannot fail, or He would not be God. He is a God who is loving, faithful, merciful, filled with grace and willing to forgive and restore the fallen. While He cannot lie, sin or act contrary to His nature, He can do anything. And one day He will “make all things new.”

Who is like Him in knowledge? He is the “All Knowing One.” God is intuitive and infallible and knows Himself and all other beings and events. Past, present, and future are an open book to Him. He sees, knows and understands everything from beginning through eternity.

Our God is incomparable because God is God. No one will ever judge Him because He is above all and in all. At the same time “He stoops down” - or, actually humbles himself - “to look down on the heavens and the earth.”

 From the moment we are born, and He looks into our crib until the moment we die and enter His presence, our gracious God is forever with us. Who, indeed, is like Him?

Prayer:  We thank You, Heavenly Father, that You are Who You are, yet love us in spite of our sins and failures. We are grateful that You “stoop down” to see us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? Psalm 113:5-6

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Finding Faith

QUESTION: Which has the strongest position in your life - faith or fear?

God never promised Christians freedom from fear or immunity from trouble. Nor are we assured that every day will be filled with sunshine and smiling flowers. But He did promise His presence and power.

Unfortunately, it is our thoughts of terrible things that bring us worry and fear.

 We often think about our past: our failures and flaws. Or we think about the future: the “might” happens or the “surely” will occur.

When we confess our shortcomings of the past, God forgives them and forgets them. And if we allow Him, He can and will turn them into triumphs and our setbacks into successes.

But what of the future? We must commit it to our God because He is in control of tomorrow. Fate and circumstances are not! He can turn what we see as obstacles to opportunities and what threatens us into triumphs.

 Sir Henry Lauder was an internationally known Scottish entertainer. He visited many hospitals where the wounded were recovering. One day he received news that his son had been killed in combat. He turned to a friend and said, “At a time like this a man can turn to many things that could destroy him. I will turn to Christ.”

The Psalmist said, “He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. His heart is secure; he will have no fear...”

Prayer:  Give us, Lord, the peace of Your presence and the guarantee of Your guidance in uncertain times. Hold our hands and teach us to walk in faith. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes. Psalm 112: 7-8

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New Beginnings

“There’s nothing left for me. I’ve made such a mess out of my life that I have nothing to look forward to. And the tragedy of it all is that things looked great for so many years. Now, when I look into the future all I see is gloom and darkness. Where can I find anything to look forward to?” he asked.

“There is an answer - I can assure you of that,” I said. Turning to Psalm 112:4, I read, “Even in darkness light dawns for the upright.”

God will always provide His Light for those who seek it. No matter how far we have fallen or how little hope we may have, God can take the bitterness of defeat and despair and turn them into stepping-stones of success. When we willingly face and acknowledge our faults and shortcomings, ask for and accept His forgiveness and surrender our lives to Him, He will bring victory out of defeat.

Consider the story of Peter. When someone asked if He was a follower of Jesus, he lied, saying, “I am not!” A few moments before His denial he attempted to protect Jesus with his sword. And there was Mark - the author of the second book of the New Testament. He started as a strong believer completely trusting the message of Jesus. Suddenly, things grew boring, and the excitement evaporated. So, he gave up the “call” and quit.

But despite their failures, He did not give up on them. And neither will He give up on us. He forgave them, as He will us, and bring His light back into our lives.

Prayer:  Help us, Father, to understand that “failure is not final” because Your grace provides a new beginning. Teach us to begin again and rise when we fall.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous. Psalm 112:4

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Something to "Crow" About!

Early each morning, often before the sun rises, a “rooster” who lives nearby sends a message announcing to his neighbors that “a new day has arrived - get up and go.”

For some, this is unwelcomed news. But for others it is an announcement that a new day has dawned, and there are new opportunities to serve and honor God.

How “roosters” got their name is interesting. All birds - and chickens are considered birds - “roost” at night. So, the one that wakes up first and “leaves the roost” and begins to “crow” is considered “the” rooster.  What makes a rooster crow is not known. But how a rooster crows, is.

A rooster never crows with his neck bent and his head down. Whenever he crows, he lifts up his head proudly as if he is thanking his Creator. Roosters never crow with their heads bent.

Psalm 111:1 reminds me of the cry of a rooster as a good way to begin each day. “Praise the Lord! I will extol the Lord with all my heart.” Why? The Psalmist then gives thirteen reasons:

“Great are the works of the Lord.”

“Glorious and majestic are His deeds.”

“His righteousness endures forever.”

“The Lord is gracious and compassionate.”

“He provides food for those who fear - stand in awe - of Him.”

“He has shown His people the power of His world.”

“The words of the hands are faithful – trustworthy - steadfast - upright - just - and He provides redemption.”

Prayer:  How great You are, Heavenly Father, for Your great gifts. Without shame or hesitation, we shout of Your greatness every day! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: Praise the LORD. I will extol the LORD with all my heart in the council of the upright and in the assembly. Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Psalm 111:1-2

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One morning Michael Faraday was walking past a high fence with a large iron gate. Puzzled, he looked through the gate wondering what the fence was hiding. Not being able to see very much he struggled hard and was able to get his head, shoulders, and arms through the gate. When he tried to extract himself, he realized that he was stuck! Laughing at himself he said, “My head and arms are on one side, and my body is on the other.”

He tried desperately to free himself but had no success. Finally, a stranger came to his rescue and was able to pull him from the gate and set him free.

Later in life, after becoming one of the world’s most respected scientists in the field of electromagnetism, he said, “That experience taught me a precious lesson. My head and heart and hands should always be together.”

Another famous person, King David, said the same thing in different words: “Your troops should be willing on your day of battle.” The word “willing” literally means “willing offerings” or “a freewill offering.” So, we can interpret the verse to read, “Your troops are to be a free-will offering.” Could there be a more descriptive way to explain the true meaning of consecration?

Consecration is the voluntary surrender of our heads, hearts, and hands to the Lord. It is to say, “Lord, let your Word make its way from my head to my heart and from my heart to my hands as I willingly use them to do your work!”

Imagine what God could do with us if we are willing!

Prayer:  Lord, in Your infinite love, infinite wisdom and infinite power do what You will with my life. I am willing, and I am Yours! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  -But You, O Sovereign Lord, deal well with me for Your name’s sake; out of the goodness of Your love, deliver me. Psalm 109:21

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Does Prayer Have Limits?

It takes time to read the Psalms if we want to understand their meaning. Reading them rapidly makes them sound repetitious or unintelligent. Take for example the words, “But You, O Sovereign Lord, deal well with me for Your name’s sake; out of the goodness of Your love, deliver me.”

In this brief, one sentence prayer, David recognizes several critical elements of prayer. The first one is that our God is sovereign. As our “sovereign,” He rules and reigns over our lives as the Ultimate Authority. He is the Guard and Guardian over anything and everything that pertains to us or may have power over us and thereby is our personal protector and provider. Whatever invades our lives is there because He allows it to be there - and if things were intended to be different from the way they are, they would be.

And if it is “in” our lives, it is “in” there for His “name’s sake.” In other words, it is consistent with His nature and character and wisdom. God knows what is best for us what is in keeping with the plan He has designed for us. So, we can be sure of His ways, knowing that what He is doing in us, with us and through us is in His best interests to shape us into the likeness of His Son, our Savior, and Lord.

“Out of the goodness of Your love, deliver me” assures us that God will never abandon us but will ultimately deliver us from what we think will destroy us. Whenever we want to give up on God, remember that He did not spare His Son from the cross, but was with Him and delivered Him through the pain into His presence.

Prayer:  Lord, we accept all things in our lives as a gift from You as You shape us into the likeness of Christ. Lead us to protect and project that likeness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – For he never thought of doing a kindness, but hounded to death the poor and the needy and the brokenhearted. Psalm 109:16

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A Heart That Does Kind Things

It was the final set in a tennis match. One of the players had demonstrated his strength and skill as his opponent struggled to stay competitive. Suddenly the player who had been doing so well began to hit the ball out of the lines, into the net and even missed the ball. It seemed as though he lost his focus.

His father approached him during a break and asked, “Keller, what’s going on? You were doing so good. Now, you may lose the match and not go to the state finals. What’s going on?” he demanded.

“It’s O.K., Dad. Leave me alone. I know I can win. I’ve been missing the balls on purpose. I don’t want him to feel bad about losing. I want to encourage him.”

Keller did go on to win. But in the process, he not only thought of “doing a kind thing” but showed what kindness “looked like” to someone who was struggling to defeat him and win the match.

Life gives us many opportunities to “do kindness.” In fact, God “makes doing kind things available” to us each day. For example, we can open a door for a senior citizen; or be gracious and express our gratitude to a cashier during the rush hour at a grocery store; give a smile to someone who looks like they need encouragement; give a compliment to one who is guiding us when we place an order on the phone; or take care to explain something that is unfamiliar to us.

“Doing kindness” is one of the most important things we Christians can do. It represents what God’s grace is all about. If an opportunity to “do kindness” appears, seize it!

Prayer:  Help us to be alert, Lord, for opportunities to show Your grace through acts of kindness and love. Help us to show a strong contrast when compared to “the wicked” so people turn to you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – In return for my friendship they accuse me, but I am a man of prayer. Psalm 109:4

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Prayer: Force or Foolishness

Prayer, for some, is a force that enables them to approach God in worship and wonder or in times of need for the necessities of life. For others, prayer is utter and complete foolishness because they believe it is foolish and a waste of time.

In the life of David, it was a dominant force. Whenever harmful words hurt him, or he received a wound from a battle or had a need that was beyond his limitations, he turned to God in prayer. Listen carefully to his words: “I am a man of prayer.”

It is always interesting to listen carefully to someone introduce themselves: “I am a doctor...I am the CEO of...I am a sales representative at...I work for...I am the one who...I set a record by...I am the owner of.” We seem to want others to recognize us for what we are doing, what we have done, and not who we are.

But with all his power and prestige, wealth and wisdom, David wanted others to recognize him as someone who was entirely dependent on God: “I am a man of prayer.”

Prayer was a force in the life of David. As we read his prayer in the Psalms, we discover that he had no definite time of prayer, no specific place to pray, no particular position he assumed when he prayed, and it seems as though most of the time when he prayed, he was alone.

David realized that prayer was a force in his life. It brought forgiveness when he sinned, peace when he was anxious, victory when he was embattled and constant joy.

Prayer:  Father, help us see the need for prayer in our lives when we look at the results of prayer in the life of others. We need You, and we do need prayer. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – Give us aid against the enemy, for the help of man is worthless. Psalm 108:12

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The Need For God's Help

Years ago, while living in California, I was walking through the aisles of a grocery store when suddenly the shelves began to shake. Items fell to the floor, the lights went out, and people began to push and shove. A man standing near me shouted, “God, if I ever need Your help, it’s right now. Please save me!”

 David must have felt that way as he faced a large and well-trained army waiting for him in a heavily fortified city. His heart must have been filled with fear - and rightly so. The city was situated among rugged hills and was almost inaccessible. He knew the enemy was waiting for him, prepared and seemingly invincible. So, he too called on God. “Who will bring me to the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom?”

Realizing the greatness of his enemy and his need for help he prayed, “Give us aid against the enemy, for the help of man is worthless.”

All of us face our “Edom.” It may be in the form of a dreaded disease, and there are no more options. It may be the dissolution of a marriage, and children will be left with feelings of fear and wonder. It may be the loss of a loved one and feelings of grief that haunt us night and day. It may be the loss of a child to addiction. It may be the result of an accident that leaves a spouse paralyzed. It may be the confinement of a prison cell with little hope for freedom.

We all face our “Edom.” However, we can all pray with David, “With God we will gain the victory, and He will trample down our enemies.” No enemy can escape God.

Prayer:  Too often we look to human help which is insufficient. Give us faith and fortitude, Father, to look to You for victory through Christ our Savior and Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: -My heart, O God, is steadfast; I will sing and make music with all my soul. Psalm 108:1

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Stay Focused

“Rivers and streams are crooked because they follow the line of least resistance.” This statement is true of flowing water and true of most of us.

Being “steadfast” or committed in our devotion to God is crucial. We are not worth very much to our Savior if He is not our Lord. And if He is the Lord of our lives, others will see His influence in all that we do.

Unfortunately, many who profess to be followers of the Lord are not consistent in their witness for Him - they are not “steadfast.” When in church they do as others do, and when they are away from the church, they do whatever is convenient. A psychologist might classify them as having a “split-personality.” Like a river or stream, they “follow the line of least resistance.”

David did not follow the “line of least resistance.” He declared his commitment to God when he wrote, “My heart is steadfast, O God!” He did not leave any room to roam or waver in his willingness to walk with and be faithful to His Lord. He did not stray when life became a struggle or run in defeat when times became difficult. He was one who was “steadfast” and can be seen turning his troubles into triumph when he trusted the Lord.

Those around us need to see us as being “steadfast” in the Lord. We need to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, our feet planted in His Word, our ears open to hear His voice, our hearts filled with His compassion and our eyes fixed on His path and our minds centered on doing His will.

Prayer:  Lord, it is possible for us to be “steadfast” if we are willing to “stand fast” in our commitment to You. Let us sing in confidence as we stand steadfast. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  Psalm 57:7 My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.

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Try It - It May Surprise You

An atheist confronted a young believer in a park and began to ridicule him for his faith in God. He dared the Christian to refute any of his arguments that he believed disproved the God of believers.

Quietly, another Christian, who had been watching the exchange between the atheist and the Christian, stepped forward and stood next to the young believer.

He did not say a word as he took an orange from his pocket and started to peel it. “What are you doing, fool? If you have something to say, then say it. Otherwise let ‘the believer’ defend his faith.”

After he finished peeling the orange, he asked the atheist, “Tell me, is this orange sweet or sour?” Angrily the skeptic shouted and waved his fist and said, “How should I know. I haven’t tried it.”

“Then,” said the Christian, “you would be wise to stop criticizing the Word of God until you’ve tried it.”

Major General Lew Wallace is the author of Ben Hur, the most influential Christian novel of the nineteenth century. At one time in his life, he was considered to be an atheist. However, in answer to that statement, he wrote: “As a result of my own personal research and many years of study, I became convinced that Jesus Christ was not only the Savior of the world, but that He was my Savior, too, and being thus convinced, I wrote Ben Hur.”

“Whosoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the Lord,” wrote the Psalmist.

Prayer:  Thank You, Father, for Your Word that no one can destroy or diminish. Our history shows Your faithfulness and love. 

Scripture For Today: Whosoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the Lord. Psalm 107:43

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Only One King Is All Powerful

Canute was the king of the Danes in the eleventh century. Under his leadership they overran Britain, the King of Denmark and then the King of Norway. He was recognized as the most powerful man of his time.

One day while standing at the seashore with the waves gently rolling back and forth over his feet, a group of his subjects stood before him and called out, “You are all powerful, O King! There is no one who dare disobey you and nothing can ever stop you.”

As the waves lapped about his feet, he asked, “Will the sea obey me?”

“Command it, O King, and it will!” they responded.

“Sea,” he shouted in a loud voice, “I command you to come no further. Waves, stop your rolling. Do not touch my feet!” Suddenly a large wave erupted from the sea and swept over him.

“Learn a lesson,” he said as he took off his crown. “There is only one King who is all-powerful. It is He who rules the sea and holds the ocean. It is whom you ought to worship and praise and serve above all others.”

How powerful is this “only one King?” The Psalmist wrote, “He stilled the storm to a whisper. The waves of the sea were hushed.”

Often our lives are as troubled as an angry sea. Far too frequently the waves attack us and would wash us into the depths of the unknown. Thunder echoes in our ears and lightning strikes nearby filling our hearts with fear.

Then, just before we are swept under, He stills the storm.

Prayer: We thank You, Father, that the winds of life and the waves of disaster cannot destroy Your beloved. We praise You for Your power and attention. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: He stilled the storm to a whisper. The waves of the sea were hushed. Psalm 107:29

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Only One King Is All Powerful

Canute was the king of the Danes in the eleventh century. Under his leadership they overran Britain, the King of Denmark and then the King of Norway. He was recognized as the most powerful man of his time.

One day while standing at the seashore with the waves gently rolling back and forth over his feet, a group of his subjects stood before him and called out, “You are all powerful, O King! There is no one who dare disobey you and nothing can ever stop you.”

As the waves lapped about his feet, he asked, “Will the sea obey me?”

“Command it, O King, and it will!” they responded.

“Sea,” he shouted in a loud voice, “I command you to come no further. Waves, stop your rolling. Do not touch my feet!” Suddenly a large wave erupted from the sea and swept over him.

“Learn a lesson,” he said as he took off his crown. “There is only one King who is all-powerful. It is He who rules the sea and holds the ocean. It is whom you ought to worship and praise and serve above all others.”

How powerful is this “only one King?” The Psalmist wrote, “He stilled the storm to a whisper. The waves of the sea were hushed.”

Often our lives are as troubled as an angry sea. Far too frequently the waves attack us and would wash us into the depths of the unknown. Thunder echoes in our ears and lightning strikes nearby filling our hearts with fear.

Then, just before we are swept under, He stills the storm.

Prayer: We thank You, Father, that the winds of life and the waves of disaster cannot destroy Your beloved. We praise You for Your power and attention. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: He stilled the storm to a whisper. The waves of the sea were hushed. Psalm 107:29

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When Courage Fails

“Pastor,” said the voice on the phone, “I don’t know what to do. My business that was doing well has crashed, and I’ve had to declare bankruptcy. I’ve never been sick a day in my life, and now my health is failing. And to add more grief, my wife told me a few moments ago that she is going to leave me. I can’t go on any longer. My life is not worth living!”

Fearing he was about to do something desperate that would end his life, the pastor asked, “Where are you?”

“At wit’s end,” he replied.

“Yes, I can understand, but where can I find you?” asked the pastor.

He gave his location, the pastor hurried to meet him, and shared God’s Words of love, salvation, and hope with him. The man surrendered his life to the Lord and was saved.

Psalm 107 contains a story of a group of merchants that remind us of this man. They went out to sea in ships. Things went well for a while. They marveled at “the works of the Lord.” But suddenly things changed. “He stirred up a tempest...lifted high the waves...up to the heavens and then they came crashing down to the depths...and they were at wit’s end. Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distress.”

Every now and then God has to bring us to the end of our resources - our wit’s end - before we turn to Him and cry out for His “resources.” How blest we are to know that He will calm the storm, still the waves, rescue us, bring out the stars and guide us safely into His harbor of hope.

Prayer:  We thank You, Father, for the difficulties and challenges of life that force us to recognize Your greatness. Thank You for Your faithfulness and compassion. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: -They reeled and staggered like drunkards and were at their wits’ end. Psalm 107:27

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Wonderful Words Of Life

Johnny Bartek grew up in Freehold, New Jersey. He attended one year of high school before “flunking out” at age 16. For the next several years he worked at various jobs but could not find one that he enjoyed. Dissatisfied with his opportunities at home he decided to join the Army Air Force soon after turning 18. He became a flight mechanic and was aboard the aircraft carrying Captain Eddie Rickenbacker that was lost at sea because of bad weather and inadequate navigation equipment. The crew spent three weeks at sea in a crowded life raft, and all but one survived the horrific, harrowing ordeal.

Very few supplies were on the raft, and after three days, they ran out of food and water. One of the few items on the raft was a Bible. The inscription in the Bible read “A Sacred Token, to John F. Bartek by the First Baptist Church, Freehold, NJ, April 7, 1942.”

On the eighth day, a few minutes after they read a portion of Scripture from the Bible, a seagull landed on the head of Captain Rickenbacker which became food and fish bait to help keep the men alive until they were rescued. The men on the raft believed that it was a sign from God.

What verse did they read? “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’...for...your Heavenly Father knows that you need them.”

Many years before those eight men on that raft needed nourishment the Psalmist wrote, “He sent forth His Word and healed them; He rescued them from the grave.”

Prayer:  How faithful You are, Father, to keep Your Word, meet our every need and protect us from danger. Your Word does indeed heal and rescue us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:– He sent forth His Word and healed them; He rescued them from the grave. Psalm 107:20

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From Rebellion To Restoration

Going against God’s will comes naturally. Our wants and God’s needs seem to be at odds with one another. It’s part of our sinful nature that needs our constant attention and never-ending vigilance.

Psalm 107 describes the outcome when we become careless or lax or when we do not struggle to stay close to God. It presents a picture of those who have strayed from God as “sitting in darkness,” “in the shadow of death” and being “bound in affliction and in irons.” Here, this “darkness” is what life is like without the Light of God in a person’s life. And we also know that when God is not present and active in our lives, death looms large!

This struggle to be obedient and close to and with God is nothing new. Rebellion and self-centeredness began in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. They rejected God’s requirement for them to be obedient and faithful. And when they disobeyed Him, the battle against sin and any desire that anyone would ever have to do what was right in the eyes of God began. But the battle to be righteous, and the desire to please God are certainly possible.

 Notice this reminder from the Psalmist: “They cried to the Lord in their trouble and He saved them from their distress.” Any “trouble” we may have had, are having now or will have in the future is included when anyone at any time from anyplace cries out to God for His deliverance.   

Our loving, gracious, merciful, and faithful God will never desert us no matter how far we have strayed or how sinful our lives may be. “Call on me and I will answer!”

Prayer:  Father, as we enter this year cleanse, forgive and deliver us from all of our sins and restore our joy. We do need Your help! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – “LORD, help!” they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. Psalm 107:13

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What To Give The Giver Of Gifts

“They cried” when they were in trouble and He “saved them from their distress.” Then when “they were in darkness and the deepest gloom,” He provided light for their path. And when they were in bondage, He “broke away their chains” and set them free.

God’s grace and goodness for the children of Israel remind me of His grace and goodness for His children today. Many speak of God comforting them when He “saved” them from the distress of an emotional crisis that would have destroyed them. Often, we hear stories of God’s Word providing light for His children who had a difficult time in finding direction for their lives. Quite frequently we hear testimonies of individuals who were in “bondage” caused by alcohol or other drugs who were set free by His grace.

But the stories and testimonies of God’s goodness must never end with the release from distress and the restoration of His blessings. His light for our path or the joy that comes from being set free from the bondage of sin must always lead to words of thanksgiving and times of worship. The words “must always lead” were selected to emphasize the importance and obligation we have to be grateful to God and honor Him for His goodness and grace.

Self-centeredness will reign in our hearts and control our lives until we honor God publicly for everything He does for us. When we honor Him in praise and worship for His “unfailing love and wonderful deeds,” we show others how dependent we are on God for all that we are or have.

Prayer:  Father, fill our hearts with gratitude and our lives with humility so others can see Your greatness. Let us lead them with our visible thankfulness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: – He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom; he snapped their chains. Psalm 107:13-15

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