Rewarded Because...

“Give and it will be given unto you,” said Jesus. But it does not end there. He continued His promise by adding, “A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
As we come to the close of our “Seeds of Wisdom,” there can be no more fitting words for us to consider than the words in the last verse of Proverbs: “Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” God does indeed reward those who are faithful to His Word, who follow His instructions and minister to the needs of their family.
This “wife of noble character” did many “good things.” As a result of her godly living and disciplined life, she is to be recognized and rewarded by being “praised at the city gate.” The city gate is where the husband had been recognized for his wife of “noble character.” But, now the recognition is focused on her for a life of selfless-service, family-focus, and faithfulness.
It’s her turn to be praised. Imagine a husband leading a chorus of praise at the city gate? “Let’s give a shout for my wife of ‘noble character!’ Give her the recognition she deserves!”
This is no ordinary woman: she is a “gracious woman who attained honor.” What a model wife and mother! What a tribute to a life well-lived! What an example for all women!
Boaz once said to Ruth: “And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All my fellow townsman know you are a woman of noble character.”
Prayer: God, bless all mothers everywhere who seek to honor You, their husbands and children as women of “noble character.” May we honor them for honoring You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:31 Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. 

Rewarded Because...

“Give and it will be given unto you,” said Jesus. But it does not end there. He continued His promise by adding, “A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
As we come to the close of our “Seeds of Wisdom,” there can be no more fitting words for us to consider than the words in the last verse of Proverbs: “Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” God does indeed reward those who are faithful to His Word, who follow His instructions and minister to the needs of their family.
This “wife of noble character” did many “good things.” As a result of her godly living and disciplined life, she is to be recognized and rewarded by being “praised at the city gate.” The city gate is where the husband had been recognized for his wife of “noble character.” But, now the recognition is focused on her for a life of selfless-service, family-focus, and faithfulness.
It’s her turn to be praised. Imagine a husband leading a chorus of praise at the city gate? “Let’s give a shout for my wife of ‘noble character!’ Give her the recognition she deserves!”
This is no ordinary woman: she is a “gracious woman who attained honor.” What a model wife and mother! What a tribute to a life well-lived! What an example for all women!
Boaz once said to Ruth: “And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All my fellow townsman know you are a woman of noble character.”
Prayer: God, bless all mothers everywhere who seek to honor You, their husbands and children as women of “noble character.” May we honor them for honoring You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:31 Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. 

Enduring Praise

One of my memories from living on the coast in Monterey, California was the frustration of coping with fog. It would silently, often without warning, slip quietly in from the ocean and cover the area with a blanket of mist that severely limited one’s vision. Without warning, whether day or night, the fog would arrive and sometimes bring traffic to a complete stop. Fog lights were of no use because they could not penetrate the dense moisture. Then, suddenly, just as it had arrived, it would disappear as though it never existed.
“Beauty is deceptive,” wrote King Lemuel in the concluding verses in Proverbs. In fact, a more correct translation would be “fleeting” suggesting that it is “transitory” or even “temporary,” much like the fog, that without notice, comes and goes without any warning.
Although some have the illusion that “beauty” is a lifetime gift that will bring endless praise and constant attention, it is short-lived and passing. In this verse, it is described as being deceitful and fleeting because “it passes away and with it passes the hope of happiness that was based on it.”
“But a woman who fears – or who stands in awe of and worships’ - the Lord, is to be praised!” This “woman” who “fears the Lord” is not afraid of God. Rather, she is a “woman of God” who lives her life by following and applying the wisdom and truths contained in the book of Proverbs that describes the roles and responsibilities of being a God-honoring wife and mother.
And the results? She is “to be praised.” For what? Her spiritual beauty that comes from loving and worshipping and serving God.
Prayer: Father, few today understand “beauty” and “praise” as taught in Your Word. We ask that You reward and bring praise to wives and mothers who live by Your truth. Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. 

Enduring Praise

One of my memories from living on the coast in Monterey, California was the frustration of coping with fog. It would silently, often without warning, slip quietly in from the ocean and cover the area with a blanket of mist that severely limited one’s vision. Without warning, whether day or night, the fog would arrive and sometimes bring traffic to a complete stop. Fog lights were of no use because they could not penetrate the dense moisture. Then, suddenly, just as it had arrived, it would disappear as though it never existed.
“Beauty is deceptive,” wrote King Lemuel in the concluding verses in Proverbs. In fact, a more correct translation would be “fleeting” suggesting that it is “transitory” or even “temporary,” much like the fog, that without notice, comes and goes without any warning.
Although some have the illusion that “beauty” is a lifetime gift that will bring endless praise and constant attention, it is short-lived and passing. In this verse, it is described as being deceitful and fleeting because “it passes away and with it passes the hope of happiness that was based on it.”
“But a woman who fears – or who stands in awe of and worships’ - the Lord, is to be praised!” This “woman” who “fears the Lord” is not afraid of God. Rather, she is a “woman of God” who lives her life by following and applying the wisdom and truths contained in the book of Proverbs that describes the roles and responsibilities of being a God-honoring wife and mother.
And the results? She is “to be praised.” For what? Her spiritual beauty that comes from loving and worshipping and serving God.
Prayer: Father, few today understand “beauty” and “praise” as taught in Your Word. We ask that You reward and bring praise to wives and mothers who live by Your truth. Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. 

For Want Of Praise

One important responsibility that many husbands seem to neglect is giving praise to their wives. Their comments made to others are often critical, unkind, unnecessary and unbecoming.
The disgust of degrading one’s wife is not whether or not the statements have any degree of truth in them, but what right does a husband have to criticize her publicly? What has he done to diminish the beauty and elegance of the bride he chose to marry? Has he been supportive and demonstrated sacrificial love? Where has the “love of his life” gone? And what did he do to “impair” the person he “could not live without?” How this must grieve God!
“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all,” would be encouraging words to any wife. Set aside false measures of attainment for a moment and overlook flaws and faults. Kind words and “husbandly help” and support can solve most problems in a relationship. Wives do their very best only to be criticized and condemned and not offered love and help.
In my many years as a pastor and family counselor, a common denominator in failed relationships was criticism and condemnation. It did not matter what the root causes were, one or the other would seize on a symptom and enlarge it beyond any possible solution. How sad!
Consider the rewards of praise. We all need it. We all want it. The demands of managing a home and raising children are often dumped on the wife and when expectations are unmet, criticism begins, praise ends and families unravel unnecessarily. Let’s reverse the process.
Prayer: Lord, may Your Spirit encourage husbands to search for ways to praise their “helpmates” and not hurt or harm them by wicked words. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:29 Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. 

For Want Of Praise

One important responsibility that many husbands seem to neglect is giving praise to their wives. Their comments made to others are often critical, unkind, unnecessary and unbecoming.
The disgust of degrading one’s wife is not whether or not the statements have any degree of truth in them, but what right does a husband have to criticize her publicly? What has he done to diminish the beauty and elegance of the bride he chose to marry? Has he been supportive and demonstrated sacrificial love? Where has the “love of his life” gone? And what did he do to “impair” the person he “could not live without?” How this must grieve God!
“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all,” would be encouraging words to any wife. Set aside false measures of attainment for a moment and overlook flaws and faults. Kind words and “husbandly help” and support can solve most problems in a relationship. Wives do their very best only to be criticized and condemned and not offered love and help.
In my many years as a pastor and family counselor, a common denominator in failed relationships was criticism and condemnation. It did not matter what the root causes were, one or the other would seize on a symptom and enlarge it beyond any possible solution. How sad!
Consider the rewards of praise. We all need it. We all want it. The demands of managing a home and raising children are often dumped on the wife and when expectations are unmet, criticism begins, praise ends and families unravel unnecessarily. Let’s reverse the process.
Prayer: Lord, may Your Spirit encourage husbands to search for ways to praise their “helpmates” and not hurt or harm them by wicked words. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:29 Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. 

A Mother's Desired Name

Whenever we had any need, we would say “Ma!” If we faced a problem, were in trouble, had a banged-up knee or a cut or bruise, we would still say “Ma.” Often it would be “Thanks, Ma” or “Please, Ma?” even “Ma, why me?” or “Ma! I need help!” But all of us called her “Ma.” It contained feelings of warmth and comfort, reassurance in times of trouble and difficulty, or happy smiles and laughing voices on special occasions. Now it brings precious memories of a saint reading her Bible, kneeling quietly in prayer for her children, or leading a large number of children to a Child Evangelism class. “Ma” deserved to be called “blessed!”
Solomon raised the bar on motherhood to its highest level when he wrote, “Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also and he praises her.” This verse suggests a scene at a banquet or special gathering when children gather together and publicly announce to the world that their mother is worthy of being called “Blessed.” It is not a term that is used to praise God. Its strict use is for one person to praise another person for outstanding accomplishments. In this instance, it is children praising their mother for her influence on and in their lives by imparting God’s wisdom as their foundation for successful living.
The husband is also part of the celebration and “he also praises her.” What a beautiful picture of a family! Too often we hear of dysfunctional families, broken families, single-parent families, blended families, neglected families - every type of family imaginable except families that have a mother who is called “blessed” by her children and “praised” by her husband.
We desperately need homes filled with such mothers.
Prayer: Father, we need homes where Moms are called “blessed!” Give us Christian homes where the Bible is taught and lived and homes filled with Your love! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:28 Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also and he praises her.

A Mother's Desired Name

Whenever we had any need, we would say “Ma!” If we faced a problem, were in trouble, had a banged-up knee or a cut or bruise, we would still say “Ma.” Often it would be “Thanks, Ma” or “Please, Ma?” even “Ma, why me?” or “Ma! I need help!” But all of us called her “Ma.” It contained feelings of warmth and comfort, reassurance in times of trouble and difficulty, or happy smiles and laughing voices on special occasions. Now it brings precious memories of a saint reading her Bible, kneeling quietly in prayer for her children, or leading a large number of children to a Child Evangelism class. “Ma” deserved to be called “blessed!”
Solomon raised the bar on motherhood to its highest level when he wrote, “Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also and he praises her.” This verse suggests a scene at a banquet or special gathering when children gather together and publicly announce to the world that their mother is worthy of being called “Blessed.” It is not a term that is used to praise God. Its strict use is for one person to praise another person for outstanding accomplishments. In this instance, it is children praising their mother for her influence on and in their lives by imparting God’s wisdom as their foundation for successful living.
The husband is also part of the celebration and “he also praises her.” What a beautiful picture of a family! Too often we hear of dysfunctional families, broken families, single-parent families, blended families, neglected families - every type of family imaginable except families that have a mother who is called “blessed” by her children and “praised” by her husband.
We desperately need homes filled with such mothers.
Prayer: Father, we need homes where Moms are called “blessed!” Give us Christian homes where the Bible is taught and lived and homes filled with Your love! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:28 Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also and he praises her.

Nothing to Chance!

During World War II all Americans were cautious and vigilant about the things they said and did. They did not want to give the enemy any opportunity to gain an advantage that could harm our country.
One of the slogans was “Your resolution will bring us victory!” Being resolute - or determined, and not wavering in one’s opinion, purpose or position - was one of the most quoted. It was a rallying cry that people took to heart because they could not entertain the possibility of defeat.
No wonder Solomon wrote, “She watches over the affairs of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.” He knew that the alternative of being slothful and compromising, inconsistent and careless, was a disaster. “Watching” is a full-time responsibility and an important priority for those God calls to be a “faithful household administrator.” No matter what other tasks or duties are part of her “job description,” this “wife of noble character” never allows her attention to be diluted or her mind to be diverted to less important items than her household responsibilities. She is thoroughly absorbed in the things that matter most.
“Idleness” does not imply that this “wife” would be one who watches “soaps” or spends her time foolishly “tweeting” or on Facebook. Not at all. It refers to a “wife” who believes strongly in the fact that whatever she has is a result of her faithfulness to her calling as a wife. She has joyously and graciously fulfilled her obligations as a wife, mother, household administrator, and witness of the love of God to all whom He brings into her life.
She is deserving of all of the blessings and benefits of God that she has received because of her untiring faithfulness to God and her fidelity to her husband, children, and community. Dads and children must always support and honor a godly mother.
Prayer: Father, we join our hearts and pray that You will bless those noble wives who serve You with distinction! May they be honored for their service to You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:27 She watches over the affairs of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. 

Nothing to Chance!

During World War II all Americans were cautious and vigilant about the things they said and did. They did not want to give the enemy any opportunity to gain an advantage that could harm our country.
One of the slogans was “Your resolution will bring us victory!” Being resolute - or determined, and not wavering in one’s opinion, purpose or position - was one of the most quoted. It was a rallying cry that people took to heart because they could not entertain the possibility of defeat.
No wonder Solomon wrote, “She watches over the affairs of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.” He knew that the alternative of being slothful and compromising, inconsistent and careless, was a disaster. “Watching” is a full-time responsibility and an important priority for those God calls to be a “faithful household administrator.” No matter what other tasks or duties are part of her “job description,” this “wife of noble character” never allows her attention to be diluted or her mind to be diverted to less important items than her household responsibilities. She is thoroughly absorbed in the things that matter most.
“Idleness” does not imply that this “wife” would be one who watches “soaps” or spends her time foolishly “tweeting” or on Facebook. Not at all. It refers to a “wife” who believes strongly in the fact that whatever she has is a result of her faithfulness to her calling as a wife. She has joyously and graciously fulfilled her obligations as a wife, mother, household administrator, and witness of the love of God to all whom He brings into her life.
She is deserving of all of the blessings and benefits of God that she has received because of her untiring faithfulness to God and her fidelity to her husband, children, and community. Dads and children must always support and honor a godly mother.
Prayer: Father, we join our hearts and pray that You will bless those noble wives who serve You with distinction! May they be honored for their service to You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:27 She watches over the affairs of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. 

Faithful Means Consistent

Imagine what it would be like to go to bed at night and wonder if the sun would be there to greet us in the morning. Or, to fear that the sun would stand still and scorch the earth because the universe lost its way. Or, to see a drought begin and worry that the rain will never come again.
We live in an orderly, predictable universe. It’s the way God created and planned it to be. It is, simply stated, a picture of a God who is faithful, dependable, reliable and trustworthy. Who He was yesterday He will be today and when the sun sets this evening, it will not go into hiding. It will rise again tomorrow because of the enduring faithfulness of a sovereign God.
Faithfulness is important because it gives us the assurance of stability and structure. It creates trust and the possibility of planning. Though we may not desire some of the “contents” that come with predictability, at least we can prepare for them.
God’s covenant with the children of Israel gave them the assurance of His faithfulness. Other gods were created by men but our God is the One who created man. He promised to guide, guard and grant us mercy, grace and salvation because of His great love for His creation.
“Wisdom” speaks of this God, to be sure. But, to be faithful to Him in all things and pass this wisdom on to children as mothers and mentors is something our God-ordained to be an important priority in Christian homes. “She speaks with God’s wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” There is little doubt in God’s mind: Mothers matter!
Prayer: Father, we pray for Your strength and dignity to fill all who are called by You to be mothers and mentors. Lead them by Your Spirit to be God-centered. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:26 She speaks with God’s wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue. 

Faithful Means Consistent

Imagine what it would be like to go to bed at night and wonder if the sun would be there to greet us in the morning. Or, to fear that the sun would stand still and scorch the earth because the universe lost its way. Or, to see a drought begin and worry that the rain will never come again.
We live in an orderly, predictable universe. It’s the way God created and planned it to be. It is, simply stated, a picture of a God who is faithful, dependable, reliable and trustworthy. Who He was yesterday He will be today and when the sun sets this evening, it will not go into hiding. It will rise again tomorrow because of the enduring faithfulness of a sovereign God.
Faithfulness is important because it gives us the assurance of stability and structure. It creates trust and the possibility of planning. Though we may not desire some of the “contents” that come with predictability, at least we can prepare for them.
God’s covenant with the children of Israel gave them the assurance of His faithfulness. Other gods were created by men but our God is the One who created man. He promised to guide, guard and grant us mercy, grace and salvation because of His great love for His creation.
“Wisdom” speaks of this God, to be sure. But, to be faithful to Him in all things and pass this wisdom on to children as mothers and mentors is something our God-ordained to be an important priority in Christian homes. “She speaks with God’s wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” There is little doubt in God’s mind: Mothers matter!
Prayer: Father, we pray for Your strength and dignity to fill all who are called by You to be mothers and mentors. Lead them by Your Spirit to be God-centered. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:26 She speaks with God’s wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue. 

Prepared For The Future

While growing up, I remember an advertisement that was very popular: “Clothing makes the man.” It’s a slogan from the past that has been overcome by ads that are much different. Each time I heard it, I would stop, look at what I was wearing, and wonder if it would be a help or a hindrance to what I wanted to accomplish.
Though the slogan is a thing of the past, clothes continue to contribute to the opinions others form about us. And we, also, do the same. More often than not we judge others by their clothing. We often do it without even thinking about what we are doing: stereotyping others.
“She is clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come,” are words that describe the “woman of noble character.” How do we identify the garments of “strength and dignity” and is it ever wise to “laugh at the future?”
“Men,” God’s Word reminds us, “look at what people wear. God looks at the person’s heart.” Character and values are something that flows from the inside of a person. The essential qualities described here refer to God at work in the lives of those who surrender their lives to Him. Strength comes from His presence within, and dignity is the result of being who He wants us to be so we can walk in a “just pride” because we are His very own children.
When we walk in His strength and not our own and when we realize the benefits of being “His child,” there is no reason to “fear the days to come.” We are in “good hands” - His hands - and that is what matters most.
PrayerOften, Father, we fail to recognize all that we can have through You. Open our heart to Your greatness. May we accept Your gifts with gratitude and humiity. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:25 She is clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come. 

Prepared For The Future

While growing up, I remember an advertisement that was very popular: “Clothing makes the man.” It’s a slogan from the past that has been overcome by ads that are much different. Each time I heard it, I would stop, look at what I was wearing, and wonder if it would be a help or a hindrance to what I wanted to accomplish.
Though the slogan is a thing of the past, clothes continue to contribute to the opinions others form about us. And we, also, do the same. More often than not we judge others by their clothing. We often do it without even thinking about what we are doing: stereotyping others.
“She is clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come,” are words that describe the “woman of noble character.” How do we identify the garments of “strength and dignity” and is it ever wise to “laugh at the future?”
“Men,” God’s Word reminds us, “look at what people wear. God looks at the person’s heart.” Character and values are something that flows from the inside of a person. The essential qualities described here refer to God at work in the lives of those who surrender their lives to Him. Strength comes from His presence within, and dignity is the result of being who He wants us to be so we can walk in a “just pride” because we are His very own children.
When we walk in His strength and not our own and when we realize the benefits of being “His child,” there is no reason to “fear the days to come.” We are in “good hands” - His hands - and that is what matters most.
PrayerOften, Father, we fail to recognize all that we can have through You. Open our heart to Your greatness. May we accept Your gifts with gratitude and humiity. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:25 She is clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come. 

Unselfish Service

Where do service and charity end? Certainly, not in the home. Selfish homes produce selfish children and God’s Kingdom and God’s world suffers. What can be done to change this condition?
“She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.”
There is an obvious route that travels from the head to the heart to the hands. God’s Word enters our lives through our head. We hear the Word preached and taught, and read and meditate on the Word each day. But it must not stop there. It must reach into our hearts - the very center of our lives, and then move outward through our hands in service and charity to others. It’s the head, heart, hands conception and connection.
What is in our hearts always comes out in our lives. Nobel character is of little good if character is an end in itself. In fact, the sign of our character is seen in what we do in our homes first and then God’s world. One pastor said, “A saving faith is always seen in serving others.” If we are saved, we will serve.
There can be little doubt that our love for God is always seen in our attitude and actions toward those in need. Proverbs contain many warnings about those who refuse to be charitable, and in fact, reminds us that giving to the poor is the same as lending to God.
“Open arms and extended” hands, however, is much more than giving “things.” It is surrendering one’s self to serve. It includes time, talents and teaching God’s way to others.
Prayer: Father, we owe so much to others because of what You have given us. May we all serve sacrificially by following the example of Your Son, our Savior! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:20 She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.

Unselfish Service

Where do service and charity end? Certainly, not in the home. Selfish homes produce selfish children and God’s Kingdom and God’s world suffers. What can be done to change this condition?
“She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.”
There is an obvious route that travels from the head to the heart to the hands. God’s Word enters our lives through our head. We hear the Word preached and taught, and read and meditate on the Word each day. But it must not stop there. It must reach into our hearts - the very center of our lives, and then move outward through our hands in service and charity to others. It’s the head, heart, hands conception and connection.
What is in our hearts always comes out in our lives. Nobel character is of little good if character is an end in itself. In fact, the sign of our character is seen in what we do in our homes first and then God’s world. One pastor said, “A saving faith is always seen in serving others.” If we are saved, we will serve.
There can be little doubt that our love for God is always seen in our attitude and actions toward those in need. Proverbs contain many warnings about those who refuse to be charitable, and in fact, reminds us that giving to the poor is the same as lending to God.
“Open arms and extended” hands, however, is much more than giving “things.” It is surrendering one’s self to serve. It includes time, talents and teaching God’s way to others.
Prayer: Father, we owe so much to others because of what You have given us. May we all serve sacrificially by following the example of Your Son, our Savior! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:20 She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.

Being Good And Doing Good

Character counts. Character makes a difference. Character can be measured. Character is the difference that God brings to our lives. Character matters because God matters. When He is present and in control of our lives, everything changes because He changes everything. We view life differently because we view life through His eyes, hear voices through His ears, feel pain as He feels pain, and He gives willingly as He willingly gave us His Son.
This “wife of noble character” has an impact on every aspect of her husband’s life: “She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.” Imagine an obituary that included that statement, and ended with the words that included “whatever he accomplished in life was because of her homemaking talents and dedication to the well-being of her family.” Certainly a stretch in today’s environment. But, that’s the implication and message.
An important message in this verse is that the wife is focused on the career of her husband and her home. If the wife has a career outside of the home, it is secondary to everything else. This is far different from what we see in society today. The career of the husband and the management of the home is first and foremost according to Solomon.
Notice one small, three-letter word: her. It may be a subtle implication but the burden for managing the home seems to shift from the wife to the husband if she is called home before him. Husbands and fathers need to be “in training” to assume her tasks if necessary.
Prayer: We pray Lord, for husbands and fathers who willingly become involved in caring for their wife and their homes. May they accept their responsibility. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:12 She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. 

Being Good And Doing Good

Character counts. Character makes a difference. Character can be measured. Character is the difference that God brings to our lives. Character matters because God matters. When He is present and in control of our lives, everything changes because He changes everything. We view life differently because we view life through His eyes, hear voices through His ears, feel pain as He feels pain, and He gives willingly as He willingly gave us His Son.
This “wife of noble character” has an impact on every aspect of her husband’s life: “She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.” Imagine an obituary that included that statement, and ended with the words that included “whatever he accomplished in life was because of her homemaking talents and dedication to the well-being of her family.” Certainly a stretch in today’s environment. But, that’s the implication and message.
An important message in this verse is that the wife is focused on the career of her husband and her home. If the wife has a career outside of the home, it is secondary to everything else. This is far different from what we see in society today. The career of the husband and the management of the home is first and foremost according to Solomon.
Notice one small, three-letter word: her. It may be a subtle implication but the burden for managing the home seems to shift from the wife to the husband if she is called home before him. Husbands and fathers need to be “in training” to assume her tasks if necessary.
Prayer: We pray Lord, for husbands and fathers who willingly become involved in caring for their wife and their homes. May they accept their responsibility. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:12 She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. 

Unquestioned Confidence

Character breeds confidence. When we cannot have complete confidence in others, doubts arise and questions surface. We worry and wonder, watch and wait for things to go wrong. We sense an uneasiness and do not know what to expect. Perhaps that is why Solomon wrote, “Her husband has full confidence in her (this wife of noble character) and lacks nothing of value.”
“Full confidence” is a broad, sweeping term and covers all of the activities in a home. It includes raising children, managing the family’s finances and the reputation of the family - whatever is included in developing the image of the family in the community. Everything is included in the term “full confidence.”
“Full confidence” is a remarkable term because it is the same term that is used or applied to the term “confidence in the Lord.” Throughout the entire Old Testament, it is only used twice in reference to having “confidence” in another person.
This value of having such “confidence” in one’s wife is important because it frees up the husband to become involved in occupational, civic, and religious duties. The husband of a “wife of noble character” can commit himself to what God has called him to do because his household is in good, competent and safe hands.
Notice, too, that the husband “lacks nothing of value.” The home is in “good hands” and the “resources,” - financial, reputation or character - will increase because of God’s blessings!
Prayer: Lord, there is a great need in Kingdom work for wives to know You, love You and serve You faithfully. Bless them for their service and the sacrifices they make. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:11 Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. 

Unquestioned Confidence

Character breeds confidence. When we cannot have complete confidence in others, doubts arise and questions surface. We worry and wonder, watch and wait for things to go wrong. We sense an uneasiness and do not know what to expect. Perhaps that is why Solomon wrote, “Her husband has full confidence in her (this wife of noble character) and lacks nothing of value.”
“Full confidence” is a broad, sweeping term and covers all of the activities in a home. It includes raising children, managing the family’s finances and the reputation of the family - whatever is included in developing the image of the family in the community. Everything is included in the term “full confidence.”
“Full confidence” is a remarkable term because it is the same term that is used or applied to the term “confidence in the Lord.” Throughout the entire Old Testament, it is only used twice in reference to having “confidence” in another person.
This value of having such “confidence” in one’s wife is important because it frees up the husband to become involved in occupational, civic, and religious duties. The husband of a “wife of noble character” can commit himself to what God has called him to do because his household is in good, competent and safe hands.
Notice, too, that the husband “lacks nothing of value.” The home is in “good hands” and the “resources,” - financial, reputation or character - will increase because of God’s blessings!
Prayer: Lord, there is a great need in Kingdom work for wives to know You, love You and serve You faithfully. Bless them for their service and the sacrifices they make. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:11 Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. 

The Search Continues

Consider this: there are twenty-one letters in the Hebrew alphabet. In Proverbs 31:10 there are twenty-two letters, forming an acrostic. It begins with a succeeding letter of the Hebrew alphabet in the final chapter of Proverbs. Obviously, believing that the Holy Spirit is the infallible author of each verse in the Bible, this did not happen by accident. Certainly, there is a significant message contained in these few verses. The use of the acrostic model was used by teachers and scholars of the laws and prophets to make the message easy to memorize.
First, the acrostic was used to provide a helpful way to organize information for future use. A wife of noble character, as pictured in these few verses, includes items that young women would want to include in their resumes as they matured. It is also the criteria for men to apply to women when seeking a wife. The traits that are presented in these verses are both goals to be achieved and traits to be sought in a wife.
Second, the term noble implies capabilities, character, and efficiency. It is the same term used when a wife is spoken of as the crown of her husband.
Third, “who can find?” The noble wife is rare and not easily found. However, it does not mean that the search is not worth the effort. Quite the contrary.
Ruth was described as a “woman of noble character.” Her story echoes throughout history. How fortunate we are that God gave an example for women to follow and men to search for in a wife.
Prayer: Lord, how blest we are that You provide us with detailed instructions on what matters most in life! May we align our minds and hearts with Your Word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:10 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. 

The Search Continues

Consider this: there are twenty-one letters in the Hebrew alphabet. In Proverbs 31:10 there are twenty-two letters, forming an acrostic. It begins with a succeeding letter of the Hebrew alphabet in the final chapter of Proverbs. Obviously, believing that the Holy Spirit is the infallible author of each verse in the Bible, this did not happen by accident. Certainly, there is a significant message contained in these few verses. The use of the acrostic model was used by teachers and scholars of the laws and prophets to make the message easy to memorize.
First, the acrostic was used to provide a helpful way to organize information for future use. A wife of noble character, as pictured in these few verses, includes items that young women would want to include in their resumes as they matured. It is also the criteria for men to apply to women when seeking a wife. The traits that are presented in these verses are both goals to be achieved and traits to be sought in a wife.
Second, the term noble implies capabilities, character, and efficiency. It is the same term used when a wife is spoken of as the crown of her husband.
Third, “who can find?” The noble wife is rare and not easily found. However, it does not mean that the search is not worth the effort. Quite the contrary.
Ruth was described as a “woman of noble character.” Her story echoes throughout history. How fortunate we are that God gave an example for women to follow and men to search for in a wife.
Prayer: Lord, how blest we are that You provide us with detailed instructions on what matters most in life! May we align our minds and hearts with Your Word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 31:10 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. 

Misplaced Trust

We all inherit the same sinful nature at birth. It is very evident in the way we think and act. We have an “inbred” dependence on our subjective, self-focused, self-centered, or perhaps might we be more honest and say “sinful” selves. We tend to rely on our God-given gifts as something we have accomplished on our own apart from Him. It is as though we took a lump of clay from the ground and fashioned a person, endowed him with skills and abilities and said, “Now, let’s do something that we can be proud of!”
“He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe.” This statement reminds us of the wisdom contained in another proverb: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Once again in his wisdom and our lack of it, Solomon took time to remind us of how we easily turn to ourselves rather than God. Trusting in ourselves is normal and natural but not without proving to ourselves, others and God that we are fools.
Notice this: “A greedy man stirs up dissension, but he who trusts in the Lord will prosper.” This theme, flowing throughout Proverbs, is so very important when we relate it to our sinful nature. To “trust in” is difficult because it signals to the world that what we do is not of ourselves but is a gift from God and to God be the glory for that gift!
Greed is who we are. It’s not a word that we want to be identified by. It is something most of us try to deny. The solution? Give credit to God for who we are and what we have!
Prayer: Lord, thank You for seeing who we can be in spite of who we think we are. Make us willing to be willing to let go and let God get the glory, honor, and praise! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 28:26 He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe. 

Misplaced Trust

We all inherit the same sinful nature at birth. It is very evident in the way we think and act. We have an “inbred” dependence on our subjective, self-focused, self-centered, or perhaps might we be more honest and say “sinful” selves. We tend to rely on our God-given gifts as something we have accomplished on our own apart from Him. It is as though we took a lump of clay from the ground and fashioned a person, endowed him with skills and abilities and said, “Now, let’s do something that we can be proud of!”
“He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe.” This statement reminds us of the wisdom contained in another proverb: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Once again in his wisdom and our lack of it, Solomon took time to remind us of how we easily turn to ourselves rather than God. Trusting in ourselves is normal and natural but not without proving to ourselves, others and God that we are fools.
Notice this: “A greedy man stirs up dissension, but he who trusts in the Lord will prosper.” This theme, flowing throughout Proverbs, is so very important when we relate it to our sinful nature. To “trust in” is difficult because it signals to the world that what we do is not of ourselves but is a gift from God and to God be the glory for that gift!
Greed is who we are. It’s not a word that we want to be identified by. It is something most of us try to deny. The solution? Give credit to God for who we are and what we have!
Prayer: Lord, thank You for seeing who we can be in spite of who we think we are. Make us willing to be willing to let go and let God get the glory, honor, and praise! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 28:26 He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe. 

Faithfulness Is Mutual

Memories are a gift from God. However, what we do with them, how they affect us or the difference they have on our way of living is what matters most.
When we recall the many gifts that God grants to us each day, do we take enough time to pause and thank Him and share the fact of His love, grace, and mercy with others?
When He brings healing and wellness to us and our loved ones, do we give Him the credit He deserves or do we think that He is obligated to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves?
When our financial needs are met and we have a surplus, do we give a “thank you offering” to God and praise Him for blessing us and giving us more than we deserve?
“A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished,” is a proverb worth noting carefully. God does indeed bless those who are faithful - often much more than can be imagined or deserved. Unfortunately, there are those who believe they have earned what they have accumulated and therefore do not need to give God credit or praise, thanksgiving or respect. How sad.
We have what we have because of God’s grace. Whatever we have is a result of Him showing us His favor. The strength and abilities I have come from Him and the opportunities I have to use them come from Him. If we use them to “get rich” without recognizing it’s all because of Him, we can expect a tragic ending. We must use God’s gifts for God’s glory.
Prayer: We pray, Father, for grateful hearts. May we never cease to recognize Your goodness and faithfulness are to be used to bring honor and glory to Your Name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 28:20 A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished. 

Faithfulness Is Mutual

Memories are a gift from God. However, what we do with them, how they affect us or the difference they have on our way of living is what matters most.
When we recall the many gifts that God grants to us each day, do we take enough time to pause and thank Him and share the fact of His love, grace, and mercy with others?
When He brings healing and wellness to us and our loved ones, do we give Him the credit He deserves or do we think that He is obligated to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves?
When our financial needs are met and we have a surplus, do we give a “thank you offering” to God and praise Him for blessing us and giving us more than we deserve?
“A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished,” is a proverb worth noting carefully. God does indeed bless those who are faithful - often much more than can be imagined or deserved. Unfortunately, there are those who believe they have earned what they have accumulated and therefore do not need to give God credit or praise, thanksgiving or respect. How sad.
We have what we have because of God’s grace. Whatever we have is a result of Him showing us His favor. The strength and abilities I have come from Him and the opportunities I have to use them come from Him. If we use them to “get rich” without recognizing it’s all because of Him, we can expect a tragic ending. We must use God’s gifts for God’s glory.
Prayer: We pray, Father, for grateful hearts. May we never cease to recognize Your goodness and faithfulness are to be used to bring honor and glory to Your Name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 28:20 A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished. 

Eyes Of Discernment

Beware the “buts” of life. They are dangerous.
“You know I really love Larry, but he’s too smart for his own good.” Or…
“You know Al is a great teacher, but he uses the NLT instead of the ESV in class.” Or…
“Paula does a great job keeping all of the records of the College, but she is so slow in getting out our grades and even makes mistakes on my grades.” Or…
“I love the ‘Seeds,’ but wish they used a different, larger sized print.” Or…
And the list goes on.
We use “buts” to hide our true feelings and intentions. We speak the truth and then try to cover it up so others will think we are tentative, thoughtful and want to give the other person the benefit of the doubt. In other words, we want it both ways so we won’t be convicted of our true position or feelings.
“A rich man may be wise in his own eyes, but a poor man who has discernment sees through him.” In other words, the rich man is unable to see himself for all the good things he thinks he is doing. He is unaware of his inadequacies, his deceit, his taking advantage of others, even his greed. Perhaps he unable to recognize what he is doing because he has too much.
What is more important than the words we use to describe others is the fact that we are more likely to see what we want to see as the faults and failures in others rather than the flaws and foolishness in ourselves. We must look upward to Christ and see ourselves as He sees us.
Prayer: Help us, Father, to look at ourselves in light of Your Word and correct ourselves before we condemn others. May our lives be an example to others at all times. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 28:11 A rich man may be wise in his own eyes, but a poor man who has discernment sees through him. 

Eyes Of Discernment

Beware the “buts” of life. They are dangerous.
“You know I really love Larry, but he’s too smart for his own good.” Or…
“You know Al is a great teacher, but he uses the NLT instead of the ESV in class.” Or…
“Paula does a great job keeping all of the records of the College, but she is so slow in getting out our grades and even makes mistakes on my grades.” Or…
“I love the ‘Seeds,’ but wish they used a different, larger sized print.” Or…
And the list goes on.
We use “buts” to hide our true feelings and intentions. We speak the truth and then try to cover it up so others will think we are tentative, thoughtful and want to give the other person the benefit of the doubt. In other words, we want it both ways so we won’t be convicted of our true position or feelings.
“A rich man may be wise in his own eyes, but a poor man who has discernment sees through him.” In other words, the rich man is unable to see himself for all the good things he thinks he is doing. He is unaware of his inadequacies, his deceit, his taking advantage of others, even his greed. Perhaps he unable to recognize what he is doing because he has too much.
What is more important than the words we use to describe others is the fact that we are more likely to see what we want to see as the faults and failures in others rather than the flaws and foolishness in ourselves. We must look upward to Christ and see ourselves as He sees us.
Prayer: Help us, Father, to look at ourselves in light of Your Word and correct ourselves before we condemn others. May our lives be an example to others at all times. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 28:11 A rich man may be wise in his own eyes, but a poor man who has discernment sees through him. 

On Being Blameless

What happens when life turns ugly and there is no reason to get out of bed and face life? Do we give up and give in? Do we surrender our principals and live a life of compromise? Do we forget where we were or what made us different from others? Do we live a life filled with anger and resentment? What do we do if we do not want to “do right?”
“Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse” provides some sound advice. This verse tells the story of a man who “had it all” and “lost it all.” He was “riding high” and then “life turned ugly.” But the events of life did not change him: he changed the events of life. He remained faithful to God, turned his back on evil, and continued to live a life controlled by God. He was a man of integrity and character!
We often confuse personality with character. It’s easy. Personality is who people think we are. Character is who God knows us to be. Personality changes over time and is temporary. Character is deep-rooted and flows from our relationship with God. Personality is on the outside. Character is from God and is deep inside our hearts. Personality often comes from a smile to hide the pain and struggle we are dealing with. Character weeps openly, honestly and freely when the going gets difficult, the nights long, and the days dark, the sun is hidden and the clouds heavy. Personality changes to meet the needs of the moment. Character meets the moment without changing - being confident that we can meet the challenge and endure the struggle with God. What matters to you? Personality or Character. The choice is yours.
Prayer: We pray, Lord, that we will submit our will and ways to Your will and Your ways. Give us a desire and Your power to be people of character who “do right!” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 28:6 Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse. 

On Being Blameless

What happens when life turns ugly and there is no reason to get out of bed and face life? Do we give up and give in? Do we surrender our principals and live a life of compromise? Do we forget where we were or what made us different from others? Do we live a life filled with anger and resentment? What do we do if we do not want to “do right?”
“Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse” provides some sound advice. This verse tells the story of a man who “had it all” and “lost it all.” He was “riding high” and then “life turned ugly.” But the events of life did not change him: he changed the events of life. He remained faithful to God, turned his back on evil, and continued to live a life controlled by God. He was a man of integrity and character!
We often confuse personality with character. It’s easy. Personality is who people think we are. Character is who God knows us to be. Personality changes over time and is temporary. Character is deep-rooted and flows from our relationship with God. Personality is on the outside. Character is from God and is deep inside our hearts. Personality often comes from a smile to hide the pain and struggle we are dealing with. Character weeps openly, honestly and freely when the going gets difficult, the nights long, and the days dark, the sun is hidden and the clouds heavy. Personality changes to meet the needs of the moment. Character meets the moment without changing - being confident that we can meet the challenge and endure the struggle with God. What matters to you? Personality or Character. The choice is yours.
Prayer: We pray, Lord, that we will submit our will and ways to Your will and Your ways. Give us a desire and Your power to be people of character who “do right!” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 28:6 Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse.