“I wouldn’t go through my experience with cancer again for a million dollars,” said a friend to me recently. “But then again, I wouldn’t take some millions of dollars for it, either.”
Could it be that the most painful experiences in life are sometimes the most profitable? Is it not true that after we have struggled through one of the most difficult times in our lives we take a deep breath and say, “Thank You, Lord. That ended up as a great blessing! I sincerely appreciate Your presence and peace during the dark days and long nights. I would not have made it without You.”
“It is good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn Your decrees!” said the Psalmist after his ordeal.
As he struggled and strained with deep fears and high anxieties, he did not ask, “Why are these things happening to me?” Instead, he asked, “What can I learn from them?”
“Why” is often a useless word. Most of the problems we face or the difficult issues that challenge or confront us cannot be answered if we ask, “Why?” Asking a different question is usually more beneficial: “What, God, are You trying to teach me?” usually brings the best answers.
“A.J.” was considered to be a very successful leader. Nearly everyone looked up to him. He had answers to questions and insight to issues that others overlooked. One day he was in an accident and lost his sight. He did not ask, “Why Lord?” After realizing that his condition was permanent, he asked, “What can I do for You now, Lord?”
Prayer: We pray, Lord, that we will learn to ask, “What can I do for You with the ‘unusual gifts’ You give me?” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 119:71 It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.