Someone once described life as an “incline.” If we are not continually going up, we will certainly slip downward. We can never stay where we are. And when we falter and fall, it is what we do that makes a difference.
Years ago I heard of a tombstone that contained the words, “He died climbing.” What a profound statement a loved one had made about him. Imagine what we might all accomplish for God if our lives were invested in moving upward and forward in love and service to Him!
When Jesus was telling His disciples about His return He said, “Stand straight and look up for your salvation is near!” He wanted His followers to focus on what they had to look forward to – not what was going on around them. Focusing on what is going on around us will cause us to lose sight of what is before us – the hope of being with our Savior in heaven!
If we only focus on the tragedies and troubles that surround us, we will find a cause of worry and fear, doubt and despair. But if we embrace the joy of living in and through our Savior and Lord, we will find a peace that passes all understanding and the comfort that come from knowing that God is in control.
As believers we can look forward to the return of our Lord and His reign of justice and peace. Rather than fearing what is going on around us, we must constantly, continually and confidently look forward to Christ’s return and the hope we have of being with Him forever!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to keep our eyes and minds on You and not the things in this world. Give us strength and courage to go forward every day of our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Luke 21:28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
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