A raging sea, a violent storm, a broken mast and a twenty-foot swell capsized the small ship. A survivor in a small rowboat was struggling for his life - looking for a hope. Suddenly, through the dark clouds he sighted a lone star shining brightly. Rowing with all his might, he said to himself over and over, “If I lose that, I’m lost!”
What an appropriate scene for us to visualize when all seems lost and storms of life refuse to give way to calm seas. Wave after wave rises and falls while the wind grows stronger and the night darker. We strain and we struggle against all odds, to survive. Is the sun gone from my life forever? Will I never see another blossom? Will the clouds never allow the stars to shine again?
Often, we fix our eyes on things that give us no hope or people who do not care for our best. The “immediate” is right here right now, and that’s all that matters! So we “reach out” and grab anything that is available.
However, there is a better way to respond when life has turned us upside down. The Psalmist wrote, “The eyes of all look to You in hope.” There are those who “wish” for better days when things are bleak and black. And then there are Christians who have hope!
The difference between a “wish” and “hope” that comes from faith in Christ is quite significant. A wish is a “desire” or a “dream.” But when we who belong to God say we “have this hope,” it means that because of His faithfulness we have the confident assurance that we can trust the Lord to save us and sustain us in life’s darkest hours.
Prayer: Lord, as unworthy and undeserving as we are, we know that You will rescue us if we have faith in You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 145:15 The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time.
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