It was a cold afternoon as a well-dressed gentleman walked to a waiting limousine. A homeless man approached him and said, “Sir, would you please help me – please, Sir?”
“Here’s a dollar,” said the man gruffly, “not because you deserve it, but because it gives me a certain amount of happiness to contribute to your well-being.”
“Oh, thank you, Sir,” he said, “but why not make it fifty dollars and really make yourself happy?”
Our giving reflects our attitude about God’s faithfulness. That’s why Paul wrote, “Don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. God loves the person who gives cheerfully! And God will provide everything you need!”
Often we hesitate to give more generously to God because we worry about having enough money to meet our needs should we encounter difficult times. We want to be certain that we have enough for today and a little for tomorrow – should it come. But God, Paul promises, will provide for everything that we need.
Could it be that we fail to be more generous because we do not know what tomorrow will bring? Will sickness strike? Will we lose our job? Inherit a fortune? Receive an unexpected gift? Is it not a lack of trust in the goodness of God that causes us to hold on to what we have rather than holding on to the promise of the fact that He will provide for whatever we need?
Prayer: Lord, perhaps we are afraid to give because we fear the unknown. Your Word, Father, assures us of Your love and faithfulness when we fully trust in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: 2 Corinthians 9:7– Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
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