We are all grateful for our “first responders.” They save lives, bind wounds, bring food, give clothing, provide shelter and restore power. They have become our “rescuers.” And, indeed, they fulfill a critical role.
But as Christians, when we face a time of trial or tragedy, we have One who has been waiting for us to call upon Him when we need help. He is always waiting for an opportunity to prove His power whenever we face a difficult situation.
One morning, about four o’clock, Peter was in serious trouble. He and a few of his friends were in a small boat far from shore when a fierce storm arose out of nowhere. Fearing for their lives they became even more frightened when they saw what they thought was a ghost. They screamed in terror. And over the howling wind came a stern voice that said, “Stop being afraid.” It was Jesus assuring them that there was no reason for them to fear for their lives because He was there to save them when they needed Him the most.
“If it is really you,” said Peter, “tell me to come to You – let me walk on the water!” “Certainly,” said Jesus, “come on. You’ve nothing to fear!” He got out of the boat, felt the wind and the waves, lost His faith and began to sink. He shouted, “Save me, Lord,” and He did.
It is never the eloquence or length of our prayer that counts, but our simplicity and sincerity. It is never a formula but our faith. He will always come to our rescue if we call on Him in a faith that believes in Him.
Prayer: Lord, we do indeed believe in Your power and Your promises. Increase our faith whenever we doubt. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 12:1 Help, LORD, for no one is faithful anymore; those who are loyal have vanished from the human race.
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