David had no fear of being honest. He faced life with an openness that allowed him to vent his feelings, state his fears, express his desires, and claim God’s promises.
“Keep me safe, O God!” is the way David begins Psalm 16. And then states immediately that he, at that moment, came to Him for refuge: “In you I take refuge.” He did not say that he took refuge in God in the past or that he planned on taking refuge in God in the future. Indeed not. Something was threatening him at that very moment and he immediately went to God for help.
Sometimes we wait before we go to God with our needs. We believe that we are capable of handling our fears and failures by ourselves. We often think that we can cover up our mistakes and faults. But there is nothing in us or about us or has come from us that is beyond God’s love, mercy and power. He knows who we are, sees us as we are and understands what we are going through and is waiting for our call for help.
The word keep as used in this psalm can also be interpreted to mean watch over – as a shepherd watches over his flock, or as a guard who keeps watch over the prisoners he is charged to control and contain.
David knew the responsibilities of shepherds first-hand. If anything happened to the sheep, the shepherd would be held accountable. He also knew, as a king, that if prisoners escaped, an entire kingdom could be damaged or destroyed. David knew Who to trust!
Prayer: Help us, Father, to place all of our confidence in Your love and power when we face the unknown. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 16:1 Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge.
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