God's Mercy

February 14 is a day that has been set aside as a day to express love and affection. Cards and candy, gifts and flowers are given freely and are usually intended to make a statement of appreciation to someone who has a special place in our heart.
We read in Psalm 23 that the “goodness and mercy of God will follow us all the days of our lives.” But the word mercy is best translated “love” – a love that is not readily visible in our world but is vitally needed by each of us. It is God’s love that we can only know and experience through His promises.
Rather than being pursued and punished by a god who is angry with us for breaking his laws, we have a God who pursues us and promises to provide for our every need from His limitless love and grace. It is this God that David knew and trusted. It is this God that David knew that he could go to for hope and help, love and forgiveness. It is this God that David knew could be trusted to protect him in times of trouble. It is this God that David knew.
And, we too can come to know this God as David knew Him. And, we too can come to trust Him as David trusted Him.
When we speak of God’s love, we speak of a love that comes first from loyalty – He will never leave us nor abandon us. We know that it is a love that will surround us with care and compassion. We know that this love will be available to meet our every need every day.
Prayer: We thank You, loving Father, for a love that is never ending, always available and freely given. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 23:6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

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