The Power Of A Command

“The way a command is given affects the way the movement of the unit is executed,” is the opening sentence in The Drill Pad. The importance of giving a proper military command is further described in The Army Study Guide: “A correctly delivered command will be understood by everyone...and demands willing, correct and immediate response.”
One wonders if the writers quoted above read what David wrote in Psalm 29: “The voice of the Lord is powerful...and...majestic!” Throughout this Psalm the results of “the voice of the Lord” are staggering. That phase – “the voice” – occurs seven times in this Psalm and coincides with the number of times that the same phrase appears in Genesis 1. Both passages of Scripture express one theme: “The glory, power and majesty of our God rest upon all of His creation.” His might can be seen everywhere: the skies, the seas, on land, in the wilderness; in the mighty mountain ranges, the terrible results from bolts of lightning when they strike the earth. His power is seen when animals give birth to their young. He can even be seen in the desert regions! The glory of God is revealed wherever man looks!
Some may refuse to hear His voice or have no desire to respect the power in that voice. Those of us who do, however, are blest. Yet, we are left with two nagging questions: Why have we been chosen to see the power and majesty of God while others cannot see Him? And then, what is our obligation to God and to them? Because He loves us and has called us to serve Him.
Prayer: We thank You, Lord, for choosing us to hear Your voice. May we share its message with others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 29:4 The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is majestic.

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