Joyce fell behind in her Christmas shopping and suddenly realized that she had neglected to purchase cards for her friends. Hurriedly, she ran to the card section of a large greeting card store and purchased 100 cards with a beautiful scene of a family gathered in front of a glowing fireplace enjoying its warmth.
Returning home she hastily signed each of the cards without reading the message. Several days later she was sitting with her husband reviewing the guest list for a family dinner. She decided to show him the card she had sent to their friends.
After looking at the picture, she opened the card and read the verse to Jason, her husband:
“This card is sent to you to say,
A lovely gift is on the way!”
A lovely gift is on the way!”
Quite a surprise!
God sent us a “card” to inform us that He would and did send us a “lovely gift” – His son. All of the books of the Bible tell us of the Gift that He was going to send, tell us the reason He sent us this gift and what we can enjoy now and in the life to come because of this gift.
But as with every gift, there are two parts: one is giving and the other is receiving. An angel rejoiced and proclaimed: “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord.” That is God giving. And John said, “As many as received them He gave life.” But the choice to receive God’s gift is ours.
Prayer: We thank You, Father, for the Gift of life You provided for each of us. May we accept Your Gift in faith believing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Luke 1:11 & John 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:
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