"Can God really clean up the mess in my life? Am I so important to Him that He would hear my voice above all the other voices that call on Him every day? Do I make a difference to Him when so many others seem to have more significant issues than I? Should I really bother Him if I don't really have much faith? Can God do a few miracles for me? If I don't have money to give will He still hear me?"
We often hear of God's power but question whether or not He can do what He says He is able to do. Sometimes when we ask the question can God we do so with hope and other times with hopelessness even resignation wondering if He really is a can do God!
In Psalm 78:19 our writer makes an interesting statement: "They spoke against God" because they questioned His ability when the Israelites who were walking in the wilderness had no food. They even asked, "Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?" They questioned God's ability to do something when they saw nothing. But God can do anything with nothing. Perhaps they forgot about Creation: "In the beginning God created" everything – and He did it from nothing. Nothing!
God has unlimited resources and might that exceed anything we can imagine. And we must not forget His unlimited love! So, when we add His resources to His might and mix in His love then add His wisdom with the plan He has laid out for each of us, it is not "CAN GOD” – it is GOD CAN! Our God is a CAN DO GOD!
Prayer: Father, may we realize that the only reason our prayers go unanswered is because we lack faith in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 78:19 They even spoke against God himself, saying, “God can’t give us food in the wilderness.
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