A man whose wealth exceeded his common sense was once asked, "How much money does a man need to be happy?" His reply was quick and honest: "Just a little more!" Many "things" promise satisfaction and happiness at a distance. But as possessions increase and wealth accumulates, expectations once valued are never fulfilled.
It is different with those who seek the Lord. In Psalm 84 the author wrote, “Blessed – or happy – are those whose strength is in You, who have set their hearts on being with You and following You on life’s journey."
Happiness is not found in what we have but Who has us. Christianity is not about our possessions but what we possess in Christ and the fact that He possesses us. A true believer, an honest disciple or a sincere "follower of the way" is one who recognizes that the Lord is all-powerful and gives us the strength we need to live the Christian life.
And living the Christian life will bring true blessings and genuine happiness to the one who walks with God. Those who live the Christian life as described in His Word will find fulfillment and completeness in Him.
One translator studied this verse for years and finally decided that it would best be translated, "How enriched are those who draw their strength from You, whose hearts are focused on You."
Those attempting to draw strength from the "things" of this world will be left weak, weary and worn-out. And anyone whose heart is focused on what is seen will discover that their vision will not survive reality or eternity.
Prayer: Give us discerning hearts and minds, Father, to recognize and choose that which is eternal and of God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 84:5 Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, Whose heart is set on pilgrimage.
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