What is joy? Is it a feeling? An attitude? An emotion? Is it something we “get” or “discover” or “find” on the road of life? Is it temporary or permanent? Can it be passed from one person to another? Is it internal or external? Is it possible it could be all of the above?
Things were not going well for Moses. He knew that something was missing in the lives of the Hebrews and he knew what it was: joy. They had been through difficult days and trying times. They grumbled and groaned and griped. They were critical of their conditions and angry with God. Why, they wondered, did they leave what they had for something they had been promised but could not find. They were disenchanted and discouraged.
So, Moses, the man of God, knew what to do: He went to God in prayer. “Relent, O Lord! How long will it be? Have compassion on Your servants. Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.”
Moses reminded God that He was a God filled with unfailing love. In earnestness, he begged God to show His compassion and relent – “We’ve suffered long enough! When we awaken tomorrow morning,” he prayed, “fill our empty hearts with a renewed awareness of Your unfailing love.” Moses knew that only God could restore the “joy of His salvation” and the blessings that repentance brings.
Often we become like the Israelites – wanting God’s blessings without being faithful to Him. Hearts once filled with joy are empty because of sin. It’s time to repent!
Prayer: Lord, if we lose the joy of our salvation may we realize it is because of our sins. Forgive and restore us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 90:13-14 Return, O Lord! How long? And have compassion on Your servants. Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy, That we may rejoice and be glad all our days!
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