Hide And Seek

It’s always a time of joy filled with delightful experiences when our grandchildren come to visit. Their youthful exuberance and innocent behavior fill our home with laughter and many unexpected surprises. One of their favorite games is one most of us enjoyed when we were children: hide and seek. They find nooks and crannies, closets and furniture as “obvious” places to hide, and then count from one to ten out loud. Then: “Ready or not, here I come!” is the usual cry before the search begins.
It only takes a few minutes before the one hiding is found by the one seeking. There is no space in our home that remains to be discovered. They know every place there is to hide.
Often we attempt to “hide” some of our deeds from God, thinking there may be a place where He cannot find us. We break His laws and turn our backs on His teachings and try to rationalize or even generalize our behavior: “You know God, everyone does it so it’s not all that bad.” Or, “Well, God, the devil made me do it because You didn’t stop Him.”
Unfortunately, those excuses will not change the facts of Scripture. “The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord that sheds light on one’s inmost being.” This “spirit” points back to Creation when “God breathed the breath of life into man,” making him different and distinct from animals.
Obviously, if God created us He certainly must know us, understand us and have access to our most intimate thoughts and desires. We cannot hide anything from our Creator.
When God “ignites” His lamp and searches our “inmost being,” it’s “game over.” He Himself conducts the investigation and knows exactly where to look. While we may attempt to hide our thoughts and desires from God, He knows exactly where to look! Guard against sinning!
Prayer: Father, we cannot hide our thoughts or actions from Your eye. May we earnestly work to live a life worthy of You, our Savior and Lord. Keep us close to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 20:27 The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord that sheds light on one’s inmost being. 

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