While managing the Washington Senators, Gil Hodges learned that four of his players had violated the team curfew. Calling the team together, he said, “I know that four of you have violated the team curfew, and I know who you are. No, I don’t want to make this an issue, but you know the penalty for doing that. So I am going to leave a box on my desk, and you guilty ones put your hundred dollars in the box, and we’ll drop the matter. I want to see $400 in that box in the morning!” The next morning there were eight one-hundred dollar bills in the box.
Our conscience is one of God’s greatest gifts. If we live according to His Word, it will enable us to distinguish right from wrong, good from bad, the sacred from the secular.
Paul said that he took “pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man.” He lived his life in constant awareness of the fact that one day there would be a resurrection of the living and the dead followed by a judgment of both the just and the unjust. He refused to be found doing anything that would dishonor His Lord and Savior, and be judged “unfit!”
There are many statements in the writings of Paul where he talked about his final accounting before God. He lived his life continually reminding himself - and others - of one important fact: We will all stand before Him to be judged. We would do well to remember this.
Prayer: Father, may we live life in light of eternity, always realizing that You will judge all of us on that day. May we prepare now for that day when we will face You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Acts 24:16 So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.
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