Avoiding The Truth

A gentleman was fascinated with an advertisement he read about a barometer. He thought he would be the envy of his neighbors to have such an instrument at his home. In his mind he imagined them coming to him for weather reports. So, he ordered one.
When it arrived, the needle was pointing to “Tornado.” In disbelief, he shook it, slapped it, then waved it from side to side. But the needle remained pointing toward the word “tornado.” In anger, he wrapped it up, took it to the post office, and mailed it back to the manufacturer, thinking, “They tried to cheat me!”

As he was returning home, he noticed that many trees were overturned with their roots in the air. Buildings were destroyed and power lines down. Damage and destruction were everywhere he looked. Finally, he turned onto the street where he lived and there, before his eyes, was his home. It had been completely destroyed. The barometer was right, he was wrong: a tornado had been approaching when he received his barometer.

Many of us fail to realize that there are serious consequences for each decision we make. Every choice does indeed, have its consequences. However, there is one choice that is more important than any other choice we will ever make: What will YOU do with Jesus?

Prayer: We thank You, Father, for Your salvation that can be ours through Christ. May we accept Your grace and accept Your salvation, now! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14 He called you to salvation when we told you the Good News; now you can share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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