
It was the first time she, JoAnn, had ever competed in the Special Olympics. She had trained hard but had no expectations of winning her race. But, she did win.
After the medal was placed around her neck, she ran to her parents and said, “Look mom and dad – I won! I won my race!” Tears fell from their eyes and ran down their cheeks.

Noticing their tears, the judge approached them and asked, “Aren’t you happy that your daughter won the race? Why are you crying?”

Wiping the tears from her eyes, JoAnn’s mother said, “Of course we are happy she won her race. But what brought tears to our eyes was the joy we had in hearing the first words she ever uttered.”

It is easy for Christians to do good works and kind deeds in the name of the Lord without mentioning His name. And that is good. But we must also willingly and without hesitation boldly tell others of His blessings in our lives and give Him the credit.

Prayer: Give us courage, Lord, to share Your message of love, hope, and salvation with the lost. Also, Father, give us courage praise Your blessings, too. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: Psalm 107:2 Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies. 

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