Frozen Assets

Years ago a fire destroyed a large warehouse that contained many tons of ice. Although the firemen had tens of thousands of gallons of water available to extinguish the fire, they could not be used. The ice was in “cold storage” and beyond reach. The building burned to the ground even though it was full of “frozen water.”
God has given each one of us unique gifts and talents, skills and abilities, to do His work. We all are as different as our fingerprints and designed to do things that honor Him. Too often we imagine that what He wants us to do is beyond our capabilities.
We tend to see problems and issues that would require massive amounts of money or large numbers of people to bring change. We look beyond the immediate to the distant, even unimaginable, and find excuses not to do what God places before us.
If you recall the beginning of the earthly ministry of Jesus, He invited ordinary men to join Him in His extra-ordinary work. They had no special training but they did have a special commitment. We know that they were committed because we read that “they spent time with Jesus.” These “ordinary men” put aside their personal interests and began to see life through His eyes. He taught them to see the spiritual needs of others and how to meet those needs.
If we are willing to “spend time with Jesus,” follow Him closely, listen to Him carefully, and pray to Him sincerely, we will be able to do the same.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to always be alert for opportunities to tell others of Your love, salvation, and hope. If we love You, we will follow You and serve You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Matthew 4:19 Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”

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