God's Out To Get You!

In one of their cartoons, Hobbes and Calvin were having a serious discussion. Said Hobbes, “Is there a God?”
“Well,” answered Calvin, “I’m not sure. But someone’s out there trying to get me!”
He was absolutely right. God is out there, and He is trying to “get” everyone!
Jesus said, “I came to seek and to save the lost!” He initially made this statement in His meeting with Zacchaeus. And, if you recall, as a tax collector, he was in one of the most unpopular professions of his day. But, it didn’t matter to Jesus: He was always searching out seeking to save the lost. This was His message and His mission. Zacchaeus was just as valuable to God as anyone and everyone else. In fact, Jesus was out to “get him.”
No matter who we are or what we have done or are doing, Jesus wants us for His own. It is not what we know or who we know that will save us. Remember – Zacchaeus was a son of Abraham, the religious elite. But, that could not save him. Only his faith in the Savior, the Son of God, could. And, only one’s personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can save us from our sin.
We must never forget that God is “out to get” everyone to know, love, and accept His Son as their Savior. How can He do this? By abiding in us, being with us, and working through us.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank You for providing our salvation and the opportunity to work with You to reach others. May what You have done for us, help us to “get others.” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost. 

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