Warm Words And A Sincere Smile

Years ago at a missionary conference in London, a gracious man with an inviting smile noticed a young boy standing alone looking puzzled. Softly he asked, “Would you like to be a missionary?”

“Oh yes,” he answered, “yes, I would!” he replied quickly.

And he did. He became one of the world’s most famous missionaries as well as an explorer in Africa. Years later, David Livingstone said, “It was that smile, that gentle question, and expression of kindness that led me to become a missionary.”

It is easy to overlook those who appear to be unimportant or seem to have no significance. They stand alone and lonely. Unwanted. We often consider them the “least in the Kingdom of God” – assuming that they have little worth in serving the Lord.

Jesus picked men to be His disciples who were considered “common, ordinary men.” But those “common, ordinary men” preached sermons, wrote books, established the Church, grew the Kingdom and changed the world because someone said, “I need you!”

Prayer: Father, open our eyes to those around us who we may invite to work with us to reach the lost. We can all do more for You by inviting others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: Matthew 28:19Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

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