What Would He Think?

A mother lectured her daughter about the importance of keeping family secrets private. One day she got in trouble in school, and the principal called her mother to tell her about the trouble her daughter was in.
After scolding the girl, she said, “Now you must go to your room and ask God to forgive you.”
Later, when the family sat down for dinner, she asked, “Sara, did you ask God to forgive you?”
“No, Mom, I didn’t,” said Sara. “I knew that you wouldn’t want Him to know about our family scandals!”
Sara had no doubt that everything she did and everything she said – whether good or bad – was seen or heard by God.
It was true for Job. It is true for us. Nothing that we have done or will ever do will escape His notice because nothing can be hidden from Him. As Job was speaking of the life he lived in the presence of God, he was able to say, “I have not committed any sin in my heart against God or my neighbor.” How many of us can repeat those words?
Prayer: Help us to realize, Lord, that we cannot hide anything from You. May we realize the importance of the way we live and strive to be like Your Son. In His Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Job 31:3-4 Isn’t it calamity for the wicked and misfortune for those who do evil? Doesn’t he see everything I do and every step I take? 

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