I Can't Handle Much More!

Walter had recently been elected chairman of the deacons in his church. His pastor thought it would be beneficial to the church if the congregation knew him. 

After introducing him, Rev. Simpson asked him to make a few remarks. He thought for a moment and then began by saying, “I am so grateful for the way God has blessed me. My business has grown tremendously in the last few years. It has provided me with enough money to purchase a new home with a lovely swimming pool. And I am planning on taking my family to Europe this summer. I am so blessed I can’t handle much more. I don’t know what more God could give me!” 
 “I do,” replied an older and much wiser deacon sitting in the front row. “A good dose of humility.”  
 Often when sharing God’s blessings, people speak with arrogance rather than appreciation or sound greedy rather than grateful. We must always be mindful of God’s mercy and without His loving kindness realize that we would be no one or have no-things. What we have, we have because of His grace - beginning with our salvation.  
Every breath, every heartbeat, every thought, every step, every taste, every aroma we smell, every sound we hear, every arm we lift, every object we grasp, or sight we see is a gift from God. Whatever we have, we have because of His grace. Have you given Him enough thanks today? 
 Prayer:  Lord, we only fool ourselves when we think we have earned what we have. Help us to be mindful that without You, we are no one and would have no-things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 
 Scripture For Today: Micah 6:8  No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. 

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