Young Timothy was helping his Dad clear a lot next to their home for a garden. Things went well until Tim ran into a large stone that he couldn’t budge. After struggling for a few moments he called to his Dad and said, “Dad, this one is too big for me to handle. What should I do?”
“Well,” said his Dad wanting him to learn a lesson, “what have you tried to do?”
“I’ve pulled on it with both hands,” he said looking down at the stone. “And I’ve tried to pull it with a hoe, too, but that didn’t work either.”
“Sounds like you’ve tried to move it with all the strength that’s within you,” his Dad said patiently.
“Sure have, Dad. There’s nothing else for me to do but up give up on it,” he said with discouragement.
“Give up, son? Why would you give up?” he asked.
“There’s nothing else to I can do,” said Tim.
“Oh, but there is. You can always call on me to help you, Son,” he said with compassion.
Often God allows us to realize how weak we are without Him. We struggle and fail. We try and give up. We worry and become depressed. We think and realize that many things are beyond us. We practice and still make mistakes. We work and still can’t make ends meet.
Then suddenly we realize that God has put a “gap” between us and the solution to our problem. It’s His way of saying, “You can always call on me for help. And when you do, I will answer you and I will be with you and strengthen you!”
Prayer: We thank You, Lord, for being just a “prayer away” whenever we need Your help. We are truly grateful. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 91:15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.
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