The Great Commision

A salesman was known for keeping his hat on while he worked at his desk in his office. One day a new employee asked, “Why do you keep your hat on when you work in the building? Are you hairless?”
“No,” came the reply. “I wear it to remind myself that I ought to be outselling and ‘here less.’”

Would it be a good idea if we, as Christians, would wear hats when we watch TV, read newspapers, visit with friends, work in the yard, or go shopping? Could wearing a hat remind us that there is a world waiting to hear the message of the Gospel? Might it remind us not to get too comfortable? Would it keep us from forgetting or ignoring the Great Commission?

We place great value on the “last will and testament” of individuals. It gives exact directions for what is to be done with whatever they leave at the end of their time on earth. Jesus did this in the Great Commission. And, He did it with God’s authority behind Him.

He said, “Go and make disciples.” They were not to be satisfied because they had a relationship with Him. Nor were they to be satisfied with the teachings He left in their heads, hearts, and hands. Life with Him on earth had ended. But His life in them was just beginning.    

The command “to go” did not end with the disciples. Rather, that is where it began. His voice still echoes across the centuries to those of us today who are His disciples. We are to “go and make disciples” wherever we are, whenever we can.

Prayer: We often fail, Lord, in doing what You have commanded us to do. Forgive us for failing to be obedient to Your command. May we begin today to honor You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Scripture For Today: Matthew 28:18-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 

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