His career started off slowly. But suddenly, with a new found success, he discovered that he was taking on almost too many projects. As his obligations piled up and his responsibilities increased, he became fearful of forgetting all of his promises and obligations. To relieve this fear, he began to make a detailed list of everything he was to do the following day before going to bed each evening.
One evening he returned from a very strenuous day, he neglected to eat, went to his room, made out his list and fell quickly asleep. The next morning when he was reviewing his list he noticed that an item had been added. There at the bottom of the list, in his wife’s handwriting were the words, “Take time to tell your wife that you love her!”
Life is all about priorities. And how we use our time and money always reveals our priorities – what we do, what we buy, how much time we invest in something. A careful inventory of each of these may be a surprise that could change our lives for the best.
God always intended for us to focus on relationships: first with Him and then with others – especially our spouses and our families. We are in danger of missing the best that He has given us when we allow making a living take first place. Peter said wisely, “Love each other intently with all your hearts.”
Prayer: Lord, it’s a busy world and so often we find ourselves forgetting the most important things – loving You and those You have given us to love. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Scripture for Today: 1 Peter 1:22 Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.
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