A husband and wife were driving down a street with manicured lawns, lovely flowers and beautiful trees. In the front yard of one quaint cottage was a sign reading, “ANTIQUES.” They stopped the car, got out, walked to the door and knocked. Immediately they were greeted by two elderly ladies.
“Come in,” was the gracious invitation. “Let us give you a cup of afternoon tea and a cookie.”
After enjoying the delicious snack the husband asked, “May we see the antiques now?”
“You’re looking at us,” said one of the ladies with a twinkle in her eye. “We’re very lonely and we’ve found that this is a lovely way to make new friends.”
Everywhere we look, we find people who are lonely. They fill crowded streets, social events – even in our churches. Many can be with others and still feel alone.
In Genesis we find God saying that “It is not good for man to be alone.” We were created to live in relationships. So, we all need friends who will be near when we need to be comforted, listen to us when we need to talk about a problem and even wipe away a tear when it runs down our cheek. In good times and bad, we all need a friend to share our dreams and help carry our burdens. People need people. Let’s ask God to bring a lonely person or two into our lives - today.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, humble our hearts to seek the least, the lonely and the lost and share Your love, grace and hope. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Scripture for Today: Proverbs 18:24 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
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