Help In Time Of Trouble

Two men were hunting in Africa. As they were walking across a shaky bridge, two lions started to chase them.
Realizing they may not make it, James said, “Pray, John!”
John, frightened, said, “All I can remember is: ‘Lord, make us truly grateful for what we’re about to receive.’”
“Not for the lions, John, for us!”
Sadly, it seems that most of the time when we call upon the Lord for His help, guidance, peace or comfort, it is when we are facing life’s biggest threats or problems. When life is pleasant and pleasurable we rarely pause to think about Him or thank Him for the good times. But when problems erupt and times are difficult we may not know how to begin or what to say. Perhaps it’s because we rarely pray when the sun is shining and good things are happening.
So what do we do? Develop the habit of praying at all times, and soon we will discover that “God is a very present help in times of trouble.”
Prayer: Lord, it seems that when I pray, I realize how much I truly need You and how little I can do for myself. I do know that there is never a time when I can get by without Your help: in Your Name. Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

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