Salvation Is Of The Lord

“It took me forty years,” said an old man, “to learn three simple things: that I could not do anything to save my soul, that God did not expect me to save my soul, and that provided salvation for my soul when He died on the cross.”
Some friends wanted to free a prisoner. They smuggled a pistol into the prison to subdue the guard and a ladder to scale the wall. Then they arranged for the getaway car. “But,” asked the prisoner, “how do I get out of my cell?” “That is up to you,” they answered. He did not escape because he could not take the first step to get out of his cell.
God took the first step in our salvation. He loved the world so much that He gave His only Son. Now, we must do one of two things: we must accept what He has done or reject what He has done. But some object and ask: “Why can’t I be neutral and leave the Lord alone?” Because He will not leave you alone.
This saving Lord is a seeking Lord. He is seeking to give each one all that he needs for time and eternity. It is your move. What will you do with Jesus?
Prayer: Jesus, I’m ready to take the first step. I know that I cannot do anything to save my soul. I realize that You did it all for me when You died on the cross and then arose on the third day. Come into my heart now: in Thy Name. Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 3:8 From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people.

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