They Will Know When We Glow

Two miners had been searching for gold for months. Their efforts went unrewarded until one day when they struck it rich. They did not want anyone to know where they discovered their “fortune” until they staked their claim. But they needed supplies badly.
They decided to go into town, buy what they needed, tell no one of their discovery and return to their cabin.
In spite of their silence, when they returned to their cabin they discovered a large crowd waiting for them. Their happiness, joy and excitement gave away their discovery.
Whatever we have on the inside always appears on the outside. When God resides within us, His glory will be reflected through us.
One day Moses met with God. When he returned to his followers, his face glowed with God’s glory, letting the people know that he had been with God.
When you and I spend time with God, reading His Word and praying, others will know that we have been with Him. It will show in us and through us.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I know that others will see You in the things that I do, the places I go and the statements I make. Help me to spend time alone with You that I may reflect Your grace in my life: in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Scripture for Today: Exodus 34:28-30 So when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to come near him.

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