Give To Receive

It was Jayne’s turn to return thanks before the evening meal. With all heads bowed, eyes closed and hands joined for prayer, the inquisitive five-year old said, “Thank you Lord, for the potatoes!”
“Potatoes?” exclaimed her father. “We’re not having potatoes, we’re having pizza!”
“I know, Dad,” came the response. “I was just wondering if God was listening to me.”
Peter reminds us to “Give all our worries and cares to God, for He cares what happens to us.” We often, without thinking, become overwhelmed with the issues and problems of life, forgetting that God is always available whenever we call upon Him. When we labor under the stress and strain of life, and neglect to call upon the Lord, we are admitting that we do not trust God or perhaps even convince ourselves that God is not interested in our well-being. Or could it be that we are so proud that we think we can handle life by ourselves?
Going to God with the cares, small and large, begins with humility and is followed by honesty. To admit that we need God’s help in the everyday issues reveals our need for His guidance and our desire for Him to be a vital part of everything in our lives. Humility expresses our need for Him and honesty demonstrates that we choose not to try to hide anything from Him. Humility bows before Him and honesty opens our heart to Him and allows us to admit our faults and failures and our need for His grace.
Prayer: We know, Father, that what concerns us concerns You because we are Your children. May we open our hearts in love and with trust, knowing You are there to help us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

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