Don't Get Stuck

A king called his wise men together and commanded them to identify the world's greatest truth. Once they agreed on what this truth was, they were to inscribe it in his ring. He wanted one truth that would provide him guidance and give him hope and help for every situation he faced and each case he had to decide.
Many months later the wise men came back with the words they chose for the inscription: “This too shall pass.”
It is significant that the phrase “It came to pass” occurs 457 times in the Bible. Those words are echoed by the
Psalmist when he wrote, “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.”
We sometimes become involved in situations that are beyond our strength and exceed our courage. We awaken one day to realize that what we thought would never end or bring us unending happiness, has evaporated into the air. We become discouraged by the endless wars, devastating earthquakes, destructive hurricanes, uncontrollable prices and see no end in sight. No night is so dark nor day so cloudy that cancels the hope that “This too shall pass.”
Prayer: Lord, help us to understand the power of Your love, the goodness of Your grace, the extent of Your mercy and Your readiness to help. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.

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