A world famous aerial acrobat was making his way carefully across a wire high above the crowd below. Suddenly, he lost his footing and fell from his high wire to the earth below. Sitting at his bedside in the hospital, a reporter wondered what he was going to do when he recovered from his injuries.
Assuming that he would never return to his previous occupation he said, “I'm sure that you will no longer do what you did before this horrible accident. You must be afraid of falling again.”
“You don't understand,” came the response. “I did not fall because I was afraid. I fell because I hesitated. Hesitation is the number one killer in our business.”
And it is the number one reason why people do not accept Christ. No one plans to perish. Many perish because they think there will be a better time or another opportunity. So, they hesitate and never decide to give their lives to Christ.
But there is also another “hesitation” we Christians must always keep in mind. Some whom we know and love may perish, not because they hesitated, but because we “hesitated” to witness to them and extend God's love and plan of salvation.
As Christ's messengers we must seize the moment.
Prayer: Help us, Father, to seize every moment as though it were the last moment we have to reach out and bring others to Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
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