Three Bones For Healthy Living

Pat was about to leave Ireland for the United States. As he was about to board the ship, his father said to him, “Son, remember three bones and you’ll come out alright.”
“Bones,” said Pat. “What do you mean ‘remember three bones’? Which three?”
“First, remember the wishbone. It keeps you focused on the things you want to accomplish in life. Then there’s the jawbone. Use your jawbone for asking questions when there is something you don’t know or understand. And finally, my son, there’s the backbone. It keeps you doing whatever you are doing until you get it done!”
Often we wish for things and have a vision of how things could be in our lives. But then we do nothing to accomplish them. Perhaps the “wish” or “vision” is God’s Spirit speaking to us to do something for Him that He has brought to our minds and hearts. If He gives us a vision of what He wants to do and where He wants us to go, we need to stop before we ever get started and ask God for His help and support, direction and guidance. We need Him involved!
That’s when we need to use our jawbone – to go to the Lord in prayer and ask Him if the vision is in keeping with His will for our lives. When He gives us a peace and calmness about “next steps,” then we will know that He wants us to proceed.
And when we begin to work on His will for our lives, we need to use our backbone to “keep on keeping on” when the way becomes difficult and the road long. His strength will be available to us to accomplish the most trying tasks when we are doing what He has called us to do. We must stay focused, pray and work.
Prayer: Father, give us a vision of what You want us to do, a persistence in prayer until we receive Your blessing to do it and then the courage and determination to see things through. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Luke 18:1 Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart,

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