What To Pray For

Following the morning service, a deacon was sitting quietly reading his Bible when the janitor approached him asking if he had enough light.
“Yes, thank you, I do. But what did you think of our new pastor's prayer this morning?” he asked.
“It was great,” came the answer. And he continued, “He prayed for things the other pastors didn't know God was concerned about.”
A good way to learn about the things that concern God is to carefully read a local newspaper. Its content provides many things for us to be concerned about and pray for. Examples include:
Our nation: we need to pray for our leaders and the issues of America and the world
Our Armed Forces: their protection and their families
Our cities: the unemployed, the homeless, the sick
Our newborns: that parents will show God's love
Our schools: that students will learn the truth
Our merchants: that they will treat people fairly
Our neighbors: the lost, the grieving, the hopeless
Our churches: their faithfulness to God and His Word
Our firemen, policemen, EMS personnel, health care providers
Our local governments, judges and legal system
Our families: that they will be strong and God honoring
Prayer: Father, help us to be aware of and concerned about everything in Your world that is important to You and to pray earnestly for Your will in all things. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Scripture for Today: Luke 18:1-8 And he told them a parable, to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.

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