All I Want Is...

The James family gathered together for a quiet time and discussion. Albert climbed into his father’s lap and hugged him with all his might. Teasingly, he asked, “Well, son, what do you want now?”
“Nothing now,” he answered. “All I want is you!”
How unfortunate for us that we rarely go to our Heavenly Father unless we want something. It seems that when we approach Him it is for something that contributes to our well-being, our health, family problems, issues at work, our financial needs or a friend. Too often we are more interested in the gifts that the Giver has to give us than the Giver.
We ask rather than adore and we prey rather than praise and we want rather than worship.
It is true that our Lord has invited us to ask if we want to receive and to come to Him for anything and everything – no matter when or what. For most of us it is a long standing habit that might be hard to break.
Perhaps it would change the nature of our relationship with God if, on occasion, we simply said to Him in a prayer of gratitude, “All I want is You!”
Prayer: Lord, we truly love You! Forgive us for hearts and minds that only focus on our wants and needs. Help us to also express our love and praise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

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