Daddy, Did God Die?

Climbing up in her father’s lap, little Nancy asked, “Daddy, did God die?”
Stunned, he responded quickly, “No, of course not! Why on earth would you ask?”
“Well,” she replied timidly, “you never seem to talk to Him anymore and I was just wondering.”
In the Gospels of Matthew and Luke we find two tiny passages of Scripture that are called “The Lord’s Prayer.” Both of them contain a phrase stating that we are to go to God each day for our “daily bread” - our nourishment.
Praying for our bread each day means that we are acknowledging Him not only as our Creator, but as our Sustainer and Provider. It is important for us who acknowledge Him as our Lord to also recognize that He alone is the One who meets our every need.
When we allow “gaps” in our prayer life we begin to think that we are self-sufficient and can go through life without Him. But it is a misconception to think that we can provide for any of our needs on our own. We must always remember that every heartbeat, every breath, every movement, every sensation is a gift from God. Without His grace and goodness we would be without everything that we have.
When we pause, ask for and give thanks for our daily bread, let’s also remember that He gives so much more than the bread we eat. Everything is from “above.”
Prayer: Thank You, Father, for being so generous in meeting all of our needs. May we always be aware of Your grace, mercy, love and presence in our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Give us today our daily bread. Matthew 6:11

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