Entrance Exam

Booker T. Washington began life as a slave and ended life as a famous educator, author, orator and political leader. As a young man he wanted to attend Hampton Institute. He often recalled his “entrance exam” the headmaster gave him prior to his admission.
Wanting to be careful before admitting him to the Institute, the headmaster asked him to clean a room. To make sure his work was acceptable he swept the floor three times and dusted it four times.
Unable to find the slightest amount of dirt or dust, the headmaster said, “You'll do to enter this institution.”
“That,” said Washington, “was the turning point in my life.”
Work has always been a significant part of God's creation. Often when we allow our tasks to become sheer drudgery or demeaning, we forget that whatever God calls upon us to do we are to do it as an act of worship and service to Him.
Paul said, “Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” For Jesus' sake, we are to work without complaining or resentment because whatever we do we do to honor Him as part of our discipleship.
We were born to work and worship. They go together. Whatever He calls us to do let's pass the “exam.”
Prayer: Lord, we recall with fondness that You were called to work as a laborer in a carpenter’s shop. May we, as You certainly did, do things to the glory of God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not men… Colossians 3:23-25

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