Willpower Or Wiltpower?

Little Debbie looked at her mom with sadness in her eyes. “Please, Mom, may I have one more cookie?”
“Sweetheart,” replied her mom, “you’ve already had three.”
“I know, Mom,” she whined, “but they are so good. Just one more? Please?”
“All right,” agreed her mom, “one more and that’s all!”
“Thanks, Mom!” exclaimed Little Debbie. “You sure don’t have much willpower. You gave in without even thinking.”
Giving in to temptation is easy if we do not call on the Lord when we face the slippery slopes of life. The easy way out, however, is rarely the best way out. When we give in without counting the cost we are usually giving up something of value.
Paul reminds us that we all face the same type of temptations. In fact, he says, that “they are no different from what others experience.” Why is it, then, that some Christians have better “survival rates” than others?
It’s because of their focus. If we depend on ourselves for the strength to overcome the “evil one” we will surely lose the battle. But if we look to and call upon the Lord, the battle becomes His and victory is assured.
Prayer: Lord, before we are tempted and tried may we fill our minds with Your Word, open our hearts to Your Spirit and depend completely on You for our survival. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today:  1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.

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