World events, at times, are overwhelming. The moral and spiritual decay, the expansion of religions that would eliminate Christianity, the rise of secularism and “political correctness” have dimmed the voice of believers and the increased number of martyrs has raised the question: “Will Christianity survive?”
Absolutely! The Psalmist long ago assured us that: “Your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and Your dominion endures through all generations!”
Nearly two thousand years ago some tried to do away with Jesus. They nailed Him to a cross. Sealed Him in a tomb. Surrounded that tomb with guards and proudly said, “This is the end of Him.” They thought that they had rid the world of His presence. But they were fooled. He came back from the dead and became the Living Christ! He was victorious over sin and death and became our Savior.
Robert Ingersoll, the atheist, held up a Bible and declared, “In fifteen years this book will be in a morgue.” Fifteen years later it was he who would be in a morgue.
Islam swept across the Middle East in the 7th century determined to destroy Christianity. A Christian church in Damascus was turned into a mosque. Today, the words, “Thy Kingdom, O Christ, is an everlasting Kingdom and Thy dominion endures throughout all generations” are inscribed over the entrance.
One day there will be no kingdoms but God’s Kingdom. It is not about endurance, but who will be its citizens!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, give us courage to speak Your truth to do all that we can to expand Your Kingdom! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 145:13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations.
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