It is always wise to think before we talk and ask Good to guide our words. And it is important to look to the Lord for insight before we leap into the unknown. It is certainly critical to pray before we proceed with any plan. If we ever fear we are failing it's time to fall on our knees and ask God to come to our rescue. Looking to the Lord for His directions will give us confidence that we are following His will for our lives and can then count on His presence. To make the right choice we must listen for God's voice.
Not only is God interested in who we are but what we do. He is no more interested in the foreign missionary than he is the shop mechanic. He is no more concerned for a preacher than He is a politician. We read in His Word that "God so loved the world" – and that means everyone on it! That assures us that He has a plan for every life and will reveal His plan to those who willingly search for it and carefully follow it.
But one plan does not fit all any more than one size fits all. He has a different plan for each of us and various methods to speak to us. For some it may be a sermon, for others a passage of Scripture. He may speak quietly during a moment of worship or boldly during a time of sickness.
We must always be alert for His voice. He constantly speaks to each of us and wants to lead us on the path He has designed for us. As He was with the Israelites then so He is with us now: "He guided with a cloud by day and light from a fire all night." His presence is constant.
In daylight or darkness, He waits to be our guide.
Prayer: We thank You, Father, that You will guide and guard us, equip and enable us to do what You call us to do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Prayer: We thank You, Father, that You will guide and guard us, equip and enable us to do what You call us to do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 78:14 In the daytime he led them by a cloud, and all night by a pillar of fire.
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