Many anthropologists who study human behavior say that the one universal behavior is worship. There seems to be an internal compass in everyone, everywhere that says, "There is someone, somewhere who is greater, more powerful than any of us here or all of us combined.” Man seems to be incurably religious – having a deep desire or need to have a god. Shrines and idols of all shapes and sizes are as old as history. And if people do not worship the God of the Bible they will make a god of themselves or another object.
A story is told of a British scientist who had a famous chameleon named "Billy the Lizard." Before he left for a vacation he asked his butler to take special care of him while he was away. When he returned home, he went to Billy's cage but did not see him. He went to his butler and demanded an explanation.
"Sir," said his butler, "it was this way. Some of the villagers wanted to see Billy. So we put him on a piece of red cloth and he turned red. Then we put him on a green cloth and he turned green. Then we put him on a piece of striped cloth and he exploded. What can I say?"
"Hear, O my people," God said to the Israelites, "I will warn you...You shall have no foreign gods before me!" It is almost impossible to believe that after all God had done for Israel He had to warn them about worshiping idols.
Is it any different today? Not really. The problems we face in the world today are not political problems but spiritual problems. We worship too many "foreign" false gods.
Prayer: Guard us, Father, from allowing the "things" of this world to become our "gods" and take Your place. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 81:9 There shall be no foreign god among you; Nor shall you worship any foreign god.
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