Our relationship with God began with His love for us. It is not about how much we love Him, or how long we have loved Him, or why we love Him, or what His love will do for us. It is God’s love for us that makes our relationship with Him possible.
There is a beautiful story about God’s love in John’s Gospel. It is the story of Lazarus. His sisters, Mary and Martha, sent a message to Jesus saying that “the one You love is sick.” Notice that they did not say, “Our brother, Lazarus, who really loves You, is sick and needs Your help.” While that was certainly true, the important fact here is that it was Jesus’ love for Lazarus that mattered most.
Our love for God varies. There are days when we love Him dearly. Then, when we pray and don’t get the results we want or expect, our love diminishes. But, God’s love for us is everlasting and does not vary. No one can end His love for us nor can we ever do anything that will separate us from His love. He gives it freely and forever.
Our Psalmist knew this. He prayed, “Hear my voice in accordance with Your love.” He did as the sisters of Lazarus did: he went to God for His help because he knew that God loved Him. He knew that God “would preserve his life in accordance with His laws.”
What a comforting promise. God’s love is as eternal as His laws. Unlike us, He and the universe He created, are and will be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We do not need to fear anything or anyone. We have Him.
Prayer: We are grateful, Father, to know that we have Your enduring love that will never end or change. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 119:149 Hear my voice in accordance with your love; preserve my life, Lord, according to your laws.
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