Has anyone ever looked at you and said, “You’ll never change! You’re hopeless! I can tell you are going no place in life.” Painful words that many of us have heard at one time or another. And, no doubt, there were times when we might have thought the “charges” were accurate, based on the number of times we’ve started something in our lives that ended in disaster.
Imagine a king feeling like he was almost “unfit for duty.” First, he wrote, “Part Your heavens, O Lord, and come down...reach down Your hand from on high...deliver me and rescue me...” Imagine a king feeling so alone and abandoned - even by a God he worshiped - that he could not feel His presence at all. Things must have been about as bad as they could get.
But they didn’t stay that way. God intervened - as He can and will - when any one of us come to the end of our strength and go to Him for His help!
God answered his cry and blessed him so mightily that he picked up a ten-stringed instrument and sang a “new song.”
God wants to give us the desires of our hearts. Our every need is important to Him: large or small, significant or insignificant. They all matter to Him! He is our Father and a father who loves his children, as God loves us, does not want His children to go without.
When God answered his prayer, the first thing he did was to praise God and give Him His due recognition. Perhaps God withholds His blessings because we are ungrateful.
Prayer: Father, it’s so easy to live thankless and greedy lives. Make us aware of Your gifts. Give us grateful hearts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 144:9 I will sing a new song to you, my God; on the ten-stringed lyre I will make music to you.
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