Caution! Danger Ahead!

Highway signs and signals can be very helpful if we follow their directions and commands. If we “read and heed” them, safe passage is usually assured. But, if for some reason we go against the warnings - danger lurks.
In fifteen words, Solomon gives us some critical advice: “Avoid it, do not travel on it, turn from it, and go on your way!”
But what is this “it?”
The “path of the wicked” or “the way of wicked men.” That’s simple and easy to read. But we are inclined to say, “Simple may not always be easy!”
Again and again, we are encouraged to walk in “paths of righteousness.” In this verse, however, we are given four important tactics for “safe passage.”
Avoid it: (temptation): What a simple first step. How much better life would be for all of us if we did everything we could to avoid temptation. Allowing ourselves to become intrigued by the lusts of the world is where evil begins.
Travel by it: means that we will stay as far away as possible from being tempted. If we know some “thing” can destroy our walk with God, run quickly from it.
Turn from it: means that we activate our will immediately and do not delay or hesitate to seek refuge in God.
Get away from it as soon as possible: To delay is to invite disaster and defeat. Hesitation allows time for the devil to seduce us. Run into the arms of God for His protection!
Prayer: We thank You, Father, for giving us guidance that is simple and easy to follow. Now, give us Your strength, power, and courage to follow it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 4:15 Don’t even think about it; don’t go that way. Turn away and keep moving. 

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